Customized support to you and your soul— encoded in who you are at birth.
Customized support to you and your soul— encoded in who you are at birth.
Introducing the world and system of ANUMAURA™ and ANUMAURA ACTIVATIONS — a whole new way to get the support, strategy, insight, path, and understanding of who you are, what makes you come alive, and what works just for you— whether that's in business, life, next steps, or on your purpose path.
Your soul left you a map. Isn't it time you discovered and used it?
Too often when we are turning to guidance or mentorship it is based on someone else's path—and not who we are or what we are here for.
Rather than limit you based on what one person could experience, see, or be in their own life, it's essential to turn toward the guidance your own soul and team has to guide you forward in this time now.
When it's time to get clear on what's needed or what's next, we need insight that isn't just specific to us, but to our path and soul.
Introducing my take on combining the power and insight of your soul map with the support structure necessary for change— the Anumaura Activation, a 5 month catalyst container.
We live in a time of tectonic change. The world is literally shifting everyday. We need new tools, support systems, containers, and ways of getting where we're here to go. Throughout my years of giving readings and doing mentorship work, I've noticed that just having the information is rarely enough — you often need a jump start and follow up process to help you shift into what the reading is focused on helping you clarify, do, change, or bring into the world. These containers are designed to help you do that.
They go beyond just information—and bring you towards transformation—aka the actual change, impact, desire, goals, or journey you seek.
When we're seeking guidance, we're really seeking clarity and change. It's time to go beyond information and thrive in the world of transformation.
This alchemical container is designed to support you to bring more of your truth into the world, to make the changes you need to make, and finally do what it is you want to do.
Information is no longer enough, it's time to get moving.
5 Month Catalyst Container + Guidance from the Akashic Records and your Record Keepers + Anumaura SoulChart Clarity + Coaching and Mentorship + Soul Strategy + References and Tools + Action and Transformational Integration and Support = The Anumaura Activation Formula
5 Month Catalyst Container + Guidance from the Akashic Records and your Record Keepers + Anumaura SoulChart Clarity + Coaching and Mentorship + Soul Strategy + References and Tools + Action and Transformational Integration and Support = The Anumaura Activation Formula
the ANUMAURA activation formula
the ANUMAURA activation formula
aka the tools and support you need to make real change THE POWER OF INFORMATION + TRANSFORMATION™
THERE ARE FOUR UNIQUE POWERFUL TOOLS + SYSTEMS used TO provide soul-level guidance:
the Akashic Records
Anumaura Soul Chart + Analysis
Intuitive Coaching
Intuitive Coaching
Shamanic Strategy
The Ancient Etheric Library of Your Soul
Full Spectrum Guidance Based on the Map Your Soul Created for You
Psychic + Intuitive Based Depth Coaching
A Unique Combination of Shamanic Insight with Practical Of-And-Beyond-This-World Strategy
This work bridges and brings together all my work, my hard-earned personal experience, and expertise in inner and outer change, the worlds of soul and strategy, psychological, somatic, and mystical practice and coaching, and my big-ass shamanic and spiritual tool box to support you to make change.
Plus, it's done with the power of your very own soul-team the Record Keepers.
As an initiated shamanic priestess, trained Fortune 100 strategy consultant, gold certified Sacred Depths Coach and Practitioner, 200+ hour certified Alternative Therapies Practitioner, Level 3 Akashic Records Consultant, studied futurist and systems and social scientist, social innovation fellow, practitioner of astrology, human design, and gene keys, and channel and co-creator of the Anumaura system, there is a lot of support, expertise, experience, and breadth of understanding to support you. And as a survivor / wisdom keeper of the 3/6 life and path in a 5/1 learning phase post Saturn return, I know what it is like to walk through the fire and back again and again and have the wisdom and tools to help you through whatever change, opportunity, or challenges you have ahead. I have studied in the schools of hard knocks, mastery, and mystics — and I continue to learn everyday of my life.
I've created these containers of support because I know what's missing and needed, and what support I wish I had in the intensive times of doing this work. Change is a process—it is not a one and done insight or experience. I aim to create the kind of catalyst containers that support you to make things happen. Because we need you.
Typically we hone in on one area of life—even though they are all connected.
Finally feeling clear on what you're doing in life, what this next chapter is about, what's most important to you, how to design your next stage of life, feeling confident in your vision and path ahead.
Having the support to work through your big ideas, previous thoughts on your purpose, connect all the dots through your life experience and the things you've learned about yourself, having a mirror that can see what you see—and go beyond to help you understand or see new ways to bring it all to life.
Having powerful reflection on who you truly are, what you and your soul are fully and totally capable of, and getting new ideas about how to define your life and actually do soul-fulfilling work in the days and years ahead.
Our work together can help you:
Find the major themes, focuses, or challenges alive for your life and key or essential to your purpose.
Look at your soul strengths or gifts for ideas of what’s next, key life themes or purpose patterns, what’s essential to your path, or what are the soul lessons and learnings you’re here to grow through.
Get guidance on the most essential and key focuses for you at this time and what will be most helpful on your path with your Akashic Records. Think of your Record Keepers both as high level strategists and soul guides — what do you want to ask and know? We integrate and weave work with the Record Keepers throughout our time together.
This focus is great if you want to get more insights on your immediate next steps, need to generate some new ideas for what’s ahead, consider things you may not see or think of on your own, or need help putting pieces together from all of the different things you've already done.
Be supported to allow new insights to emerge, new deeper connections to come through, and continue to refine and understand your vision.
Get clear on what you're here for, why now, and how all your life experience comes together to lead you forward into what's next.
TAKE THE NEXT STEP: We'll have a conversation to meet 1:1 and see if this is the right fit for you. I'll learn more about where you're at and what you've been experiencing, what your desires are, and see what will be most supportive for you next. This will give us a chance to get to know each other before we move forward and I can answer any additional questions you have.
CLIENT STORY + EXAMPLE: I had a previous client who was headed down a path of a model of directly delivering and making things. It had low profit margins, was a lot of work, took a lot of people, lots of coordination, and was just plain hard.
When we met backup, I took one look at her chart, and instantly saw that while she was in the right arena and focus, her work had more potential to guide people. I heard from my intuitive guidance an idea that she should consider coaching and services as a business structure and offering rather than what she was currently building or delivering. She had the talent—she just didn't actually ever consider it. In this way, she could still help people, by transforming their relationship with how they were taking care of themselves, rather than providing a product, and still make an impact. It also worked better for her lifestyle, her gifts, and the insane amount of wisdom and knowledge she had already accumulated in this arena. She had the right landscape—just the wrong service or approach.
This is the power of working with your charts, and having guidance beyond what we often just can see "on our own"—it allows us to expand our approach into a possibility that is more easeful. Yes, she still had to develop the services, get comfortable going down this path, and set up this new version of her business—but she had a lot already that just made this an easier opportunity that was more aligned for her.
Align your business with your purpose and soul, get customized channeled strategic support specific to your desires, path, and soul map, and make business fun, easeful, impactful, and soul-filled.
A business aligned with your purpose—that brings and makes space for more of your joy, expansion, truth, and expression in the world.
Having clarity on bringing together the elements of who and what you're here for with your ideal way to create wealth and impact in the world.
Bringing your existing business into deeper alignment with what feels—not just looks—good for you.
Finding and defining your own path to success—and the market fit that provides support to do that.
Being able to marry purpose with profit.
Finding your unique way to work—how to structure and flow through your days, where to have support, what motivates you, and what will keep you going when it counts.
Our work together can help you:
DEVELOP SOUL PURPOSE OFFERS — finally crack the nut on what the best offers or approach is for you.
MARRY PURPOSE WITH PROFIT — Connect your potential paths, strengths, and aligned business models; we cover your strengths from a higher level and identify a strategy and path for how to bring these strengths potentially into the world, married with your vision and desires.
FIND PRODUCT-SOUL-MARKET FIT — Too often we don’t get clear on the key ingredient of our business — what people want and what’s most aligned for our soul. It needs to work for both.
CLARIFY HOW TO MAKE STRATEGY WORK WITH SOUL — Get support if you are already in business for yourself, and are trying to match your purpose with an offer structure, ideal clients, and marketing message / position that feels good.
CRAFT A STRATEGY AROUND YOUR PURPOSE — If you have some idea of what doing purpose or calling wise, or already have experience, but need to bring it together and design it. (Ex: already been certified as xyz coach, been working / had own business for sometime, have tried a few things but nothing quite yet it or don’t know how to bring it all together or what your unique spin is)
BIRTH A UNIQUE AND REVOLUTIONARY APPROACH TO THE WORK YOU DO — By working with your guides I have channeled the most interesting and revolutionary visions for people that bridge and bring their gifts into potential business paths in the world.
CLARIFY YOUR MARKETING, BRANDING, AND MESSAGING — My background as both a marketer and strategist really shines in this type of work and support for you.
TAP INTO NEW STRATEGIES + NEXT STEPS — Access guidance both from your charts and innate wiring and from your record keepers for next steps and decisions in business—aka soul-custom strategy, insight, and support actually aligned with how you're here to work. Akashic biz insights + Anumaura guided strategy = supercharged guidance and clarity direct and specific to what works for you. It’s like having the top soul strategists in the universe, with the vantage point of all time and potentials forwards and backwards, providing you clarity and insight for your key opportunities or challenges. They can see around corners you don’t even know are there yet.
GET CLEAR ON THE INNER AND OUTER — This is also a great way to get support at the intersection of where the inner meets the outer in life and business, because we know how interconnected they actually are. Sometimes you need more game plan strategy and sometimes you need to work through the trauma or patterns keeping you trapped at the current level you’re playing at.
CATCH YOUR UPPER LIMITS OR WHERE YOU GET IN THE WAY — Businesses are often shaped by the consciousness of their entrepreneurs. I have too often seen the chaos and limitations caused by people’s patterns that ripple out into the decisions they do or don’t make in how they run things.
IMPLEMENT NEW IDEAS AND MOVE THROUGH WHERE YOU GET STUCK OR STOPPED — Our time together will help you implement any new ideas, changes or strategies, bust through those patterns, or get support to enter your next level.
This is the power of working with the infinite and universe as your co-creative partner, and harnessing and accessing the power of the Akashic Records for soul insight, strategy, and support—you access a different paradigm of potential, what's possible, and how to make it happen.
You operate in a different realm of soul sight and strategy.
Too often we work with business support that may have the strategies, perspective, or experience, but we don't get the soul specific and aligned path and vision for us and our purpose. We get guidance based on where they've been or what they've seen. Or we can get soul guidance without the strategy.
This is why I've studied and united both—because it's what I've always needed—someone who can meet me in the realms of expansive potential and actually help me bring what hasn't yet been created and help me see, find, discover, or know how to actually bring it into the world.
By working with psychic guidance we are not limited by what has just been seen, done, or imagined before.
We get to operate in fields that don't yet exist, because we get to birth them.
I didn’t mention this above, but using the wisdom of human design life cycles and looking at my solar return chart, I know understand much more deeply the insane changes and initiations I’ve been through.
Human design uses a different system of transits, or rather, different life posts to pay attention to what are the major phases of your life. Astrology has transits literally all of the time. By marrying these approaches, along with any other astrological techniques to see the major phases and transits of your life, we can look at the “big rocks” of change. I find these big rocks or phases can be most helpful to understand how our life path is unfolding and how major shifts or activations are happening with and for us.
There are also different ways to look at these activations and how they weave into your story and what they are calling you into now. It could be a call to more purpose, authenticity, to your true path, to sharing your gifts, to a change in how things express. There are lots of fun layers we can look at here to paint a better picture of what you need to know. This is of course also assisted by your record keepers for further diving in.
There are major transit gateways we each walk through in our life. These can have consequences and leave impressions that reshape the rest of your life. Sometimes by knowing these things, you can feel less unsure about how much has changed in your life and how much you may be changing too.
Our time together will help you address any major themes, changes, or focuses that came up or to help you move through what’s been happening or step into and up into what you’re here to become.
There are often major portals, transition points, or opportunities or challenges we flow through in our life. Each of these can appear in our charts–both backwards, current, and forwards. Each layer looks at and contextualizes these moments differently and powerfully to help you get clarity on what's going on, what you need to know or do, or what the opportunity is.
Having clarity on wtf is going on—what the opportunity is, why it may be happening, what you need or get to see, and how to move through it. I know I often have needed guidance when I had a lot going on or coming up and couldn't put all the pieces together on my own.
Feeling more grounded, rooted, peaceful, and prepared—being able to meet the moment, make sense of your past experiences, and find peace and confidence in moving forward with the lessons, insight, and experiences that are right for you.
Feeling resolved and clear—no longer carrying around the things that have happened, been hard, or felt like you couldn't really make sense of. Come closer to a place of completion with these experiences and be able to move on with your life.
Making the most of a major moment, or life change ahead—see what's on the horizon, what you're being called to step into, and being resourced to do so.
Being supported in one of the most major events or transitions of your life—and being able to make the most of the journey you're in by acquiring new skills, getting connected to your internal and spiritual resources, and finding new strength and capacity in yourself compared to if you had to do it all on your own.
Finally moving through a pattern or phase in life that has felt like it kept you stuck in place—see the hidden factors at play, the tools, practices, and resources to help move it, and getting support getting clear once and for all.
Our work together can help you...
Get clear in life. Whether it’s for what’s ahead, what’s going on, what happened, or getting unstuck, this work can help you get clear and make change in the most potent ways I know. This is great for understanding two things: major changes and events ahead OR the change that has already happened that you’re trying to sort out.
Get clear on what lies ahead, what phase or major initiations you’re in, or what’s been going on and why things have changed so much. Look at big rocks and current cycles or colors of energies you're facing for the year, a period of time, or the season you're in. Your maps naturally have different key phases based on their own unique timing and demarcation of the portals of your life that can provide things to look at for what's been happening, happening now, or happening in the future.
Bust through patterns: There are invisible patterns that seem to be these impenetrable ceilings that hold us in place. There’s a particular placement and its connections across your map help us get clear and break free, and then do the work to change it and call a new reality in. We often have invisible ceilings we can’t yet see that are keeping us looped in patterns, staying at jobs we hate, not going for what we say we want. This scalpel level analysis hones in on exactly what those are so we can remove, extract, and break free of what’s keeping you entrenched. This can happen both through your charts and the information they provide on these karmic traps, and through a scanning of your field, self, and challenges in the records.
Live into a new paradigm: Our time together will help you work through and rewire around these patterns so you go beyond awareness into implementing solutions or changes. Often we can already get clarity and create shifts in our sessions, but the integration work we do is about getting to work and now living and discovering what it’s like to move into the world in a whole new way.
Understand wtf is going on: Sometimes we don't have any idea what’s up, but you just need help getting clear and getting out or moving on from whatever’s happening in life. This is where the context clues of your charts and path can really shine and help cut to the core—plus your Record Keepers provide a whole other vantage point and view on what's needed and will help. Reach into the mystery box and get context from both your record keepers and your charts on what’s going on, what you need to learn, and what guidance they have for what’s next. When you don’t know what’s going on, but something is, and you just don’t know what to do about it. Sometimes we cannot see wth has been happening in our lives. Things aren’t going the way we want them to be. Certain patterns or messages or things keep happening or showing up. We thought we’d be somewhere else by now but we’re no where near there yet. Sometimes we just need perspective, support, and guidance about what’s going on. We don’t know what we need, we just know we need it.
Get the soul medicine you need for the time or season you're in: Our time together will then help you implement any shifts, tool up to better weather the changes, have a container of support to not be going through everything alone and to feel less crazy, and to help you get clear and in action on what you need to do, even if that’s just rest. There are different seasons and phases of life and sometimes we just need help identifying which we’re in and the medicine we need.
Our map doesn't just paint a picture of who you are and what you're here for, but also how you're uniquely wired to operate—your energy, your productivity, how and where you best move through the world, how you call in the right opportunities, make the best decisions, how to recognize when things are aligned for you or not, and so much more.
Being able to put all the pieces together—understand your unique narrative, path, experience, and potential in the world and how all the parts come together to make your unique whole, not just separate pieces that mean different things in different places, in different ways.
Finding more ease, flow, and alignment by being able to recognize what's right for you and your own unique aligned way of calling in your soul opportunities.
Getting soul guidance directly on the most challenging pieces of your map and your life—finally being able to make sense of your unique experiences, quirks, how things harmonize or how to make space for it all and what will support you most.
Feeling settled into the fullness of who you are—making sense of your own experiences, perspective, desires, skills, and those things that seem to not match up, but finally realizing they do.
Getting custom channeled support with unique interpretations and understanding of your specific questions about your charts, transits, or deep dive into the quirks that you've been studying to finally understand how they make sense to and for you.
Our work together can help you...
Deep dive, geek out, and put all the pieces together in a place where someone can dive deep and channel custom support and processes to help you integrate it all.
Go from the esoteric to practical to back again. Put these systems into usable context and action for the challenges, situations, or patterns you've been trying to face and work through in your life.
Understand your specific chart and/or mechanics from systems with questions, answers, and guidance directly channeled and received from your Record Keepers and other shamanic, strategic, or intuitive practices.
Get insight on specific questions or areas in your life. Want insight on a specific question, struggle, or thing about you? (ie How do I show up in alignment? How do I communicate better? How do I find flow in my life?) Let's ask your record keepers once and for all.
Go from insight to implementation. How do I apply this more directly for me? How do I implement xyz in my life? How does this work specifically to me? This is about taking knowledge and insight of the charts and making it practical and applicable for you. I have channeled specific interpretations before of how energies flow, specific tools or imagery you can use or return to, or different interpretations and tools of things to know or refer back to to understand how to work with those unique things that make you, you.
Put it into action. Our work together will build on what's discussed, created, and channeled, and help support you in taking insight into practice and action. Again, it’s not enough to know these things, it’s about living the experiment. Often we can have the knowledge but the true work shines when we’re brave enough to try. We can work through any hesitations holding you back along the way.
Ultimately, we want to better understand ourselves, because of the things we experience and go through in life. There are parts we're trying to make sense of that can feel like they're competing, or there are challenges or aspects that can feel insurmountable—but they're not. I take the view that our soul's chose our map and charts. That we are designed how we are for a reason, and there are gifts and opportunities there, even if we can't see it yet. It takes time, sometimes, to uncover what the jewel is, but when we do it can be one of the greatest things we know and can use.
SOUL INITATION: a 1:1 journey into the depths of who you are
5: The Deep Dive
Deep Dive
Deep dive into your soul purpose, strengths, gifts, and challenges with this 1:1 one-of-a-kind package, research, and support. This is a close to full throttle mentorship journey—just pre-designed at at the highest and most exclusive level of support.
Save years off your path—a high intensity adventure and deep dive focused to help get you direction, new support, and a new way of being in the world.
For when you want to truly understand what you are here for, and put all the pieces together around the things that have happened and what's ahead — and you want dedicated support, research, and insight to facilitate and create what's next.
Often, you're already accomplished, and ready to invest in yourself like you have the rest of your life — the businesses you built, your family, your cars, your education, your travel and experiences, your home; you're the one here for the long ride, and you like this level of support throughout your life, isn't it time for you and your soul?
Get premier and first-access to this cutting edge channeled system, along with the fresh, innovative, and deep insights that come with it.
Often we have to hire individual people for all of these different needs and then bring all the insights together on our own; instead, this gives you the chance to have a home-base for the soul work you're doing, and to go deep with one trusted advisor who can help you sort through, prioritize, organize, intuit, and strategize through it all.
We get ideas from your strengths for ideas of what's next; combining that with your experience, expertise, natural preferences and how you approach things, we bring to life a solid idea of potential paths for both your purpose and what can lie ahead.
This work is very much a partnership where we'll be ideating on what's possible for you, what resonates, different strategies and opportunities, and coming up with creative potentials for your purpose and path.
This is definitely an intensive journey, and the investment reflects the level of research, collaboration, strategy, contemplation, and dedicated support that goes into this level and depth of work. This project will be my primary focus for a dedicated amount of time.
This package is custom designed with more potential options to be added on: a retreat, VIP Days, custom reporting, M-F Voxer access, emergency support, and more.
There is only one slot available for this level of support. This is the most intensive and exclusive option I provide outside of custom 1:1 mentorship and journey design, but this is like a pre-structured idea of high level, intimate, and the most supportive and exclusive work I do.
Part of this work is deep diving layer by layer into who you are via the vehicle and journey of your charts, along with soul and intuitive activations along the way. In addition, this is as much about custom soul development and guidance as it is about insight, implementation, and support—it is a different degree of initiation and walking together along the soul path.
PART 1: INTAKE An onboarding and Intake Process to hone in on what is most important for you and to learn more about your experiences.
PART 2: ASSESS We'll dive in to your Akashic Records and Anumaura Map to hone in and get clear on your guidance and what matters most for you quickly, deeply, and powerfully.
PART 3: ACTION Following our deep dive into your guidance, we'll focus on the support you need to make the changes and shifts to implement what has come through for you. This is a combination of Integration and Implementation Support to make change and transformation happen—the places where we need to continue to dive deeper, look at what can stop us, or work through the things that are coming up as we step onto our path.
TOTAL TIMELINE: 5 MONTHS While these are the three primary phases, we'll continue to reference your charts, be able to work with your Record Keepers, and continue to develop our understanding of what you most need as things come up and continue to develop.
An Intake + Onboarding Process to dive in and get oriented around our work together and what is most important for you.
Time in Your Akashic Records with your soul team and guides—the highest most direct and powerful support and guidance I know.
Anumaura Analysis on what is essential for you in this moment and time, with customized guidance based on your soul map.
Copies of Any Custom Created Resources, Research, Notes, Channeled Guidance, and Insights to support our work together.
Channeled Insight: Custom Channeled Ideas, Solutions, and Explanations for You, Your Wiring, and Your Situation — The Guidance and Solutions You Need in the Way that Works Specifically for Your Soul and You
Proprietary System of Synthesis Across 3 Systems + 1: Anumaura
Soul System Perspective Proprietary Approach and Process
Guidance Directly from Your Record Keepers and Akashic Records Throughout Our Work Together to Deliver, Shape, and Inform What's Most Needed, Relevant, and Supportive for You
Strategy and Coaching Implementation and Support
Both a Business and Purpose Perspective to Analysis and Approach — Practical and Soul
As Well as an Evolutionary and Soul Path Perspective — Depth, Insight, and Higher / Greater Perspective
Bi-Weekly Sessions and 2X Month Office Hours via Voxer — So you can get support taking action and implement actual change, have the space to dive into your soul guidance, and be supported to work through anything that comes up along the way.
Custom Presentations and Materials for Analysis Shared, as Needed: For Both During Calls and Easy Reference After
Recordings and Transcripts for All Calls: So You Have Them As Long as You Need
Summary of Key Actions and Takeaways: So You Know and Can Easily Reference What to Focus On
Copy of All Charts with In-Depth Professional Charts Included If / As Needed
Tool Library for Ongoing Implementation and Support So You Can Have Tools for the Times We're In Now and Can Integrate and More Easily Be Supported in Your Spiritual Path and Work
Be able to continue the work in your own time, and build the skills you need for your path
Have Key Supports to Help You When / As Needed
Build your own soul skills to carry through and beyond our work together for your path and journey
This is a first of its kind process. Get exclusive access on the cutting edge of this spiritual and systems soul work.
I take on a handful of clients for this level of work, due to the level of collaboration, creation, and research. I like to be able to focus and go deep with my 1:1 relationships and clients.
You'll see these investments aren't for everyone but there will be other more accessible opportunities for this work later on. For now, I am focused on 1:1 work only, with more workshops and resources on the horizon. Stay tuned and sign up for the newsletter to be the first to know if you are interested in learning more.
In order to make sure we're a fit and to help ensure we have the right focus and package designed for you, the first step is to meet and have a conversation to discuss, learn more, and see how we connect.
You'll be sent a link to schedule this conversation after you apply and make a deposit to book your time. The deposit is fully refundable in case it is not a fit for us to move forward together. The current deposit is $250 US.
If you aren't sure what package or program to apply for, just let me know what's going on and what area(s) of interest are up for you and we can discuss and figure it out on our call together.
Rectification is the process of elimination and clarification of your birth time using different charts, techniques, and systems.
This is a process of collaboration and will take additional time to get clear and narrow options down. By using multiple systems, things can become clearer, faster.
Rectification will add an additional 2 weeks - 1 month to the beginning of our work together to clarify and go through this process.
It is an additional investment of $1000 - $2000 depending on the complexity; please mention this when you inquire / apply. Depending on what you do already or don't already know there may be a few options we can examine or try first.
Because I prioritize custom-to-you soul level guidance and support, and your charts are one of the most direct ways I can do this in addition to your records, I prefer to work with them as an essential ingredient in this process.
step one: apply
Once you select what Activation you are interested in, you will fill out the form with your information.
step two: deposit
After I review your form, I'll send you a link for a $250 deposit and to book a time for us to meet.
step three: call
We'll answer any questions we have and make sure we're a fit and that we have the right Activation for you.
let's dive to the depths of soul + fIGURE OUT what's next
5 Months of Guidance and Support through the journey of your charts and layers of your soul blueprints as we illuminate your soul path both forwards and backwards to reveal where you've been, where you're going, and what you're truly here for—whether that's for business, life, purpose, your self, or your soul.
Plus get access to the Intro series of Tools for These Times— the Anumaura e-magazine for guidance on purpose, finding your path, and charting your plan ahead.
Plus get access to the Intro series of Tools for These Times— the Anumaura e-magazine for guidance on purpose, finding your path, and charting your plan ahead.