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Our essence, life force, unique contribution that only we can bring into the world.
It is mapped and reflected through our four soul charts: astrological, human design, gene keys, and the proprietary system of soul synthesis ANUMAURA™.
ANUMAURA is a system that maps your soul, your potential, you — and provides guidance for how you can bring that into the world.
It is the System of Soul™.
The System of You™.
It's the map to your Soul Gold.
Our essence, life force, unique contribution that only we can bring into the world.
It is mapped and reflected through our four soul charts: astrological, human design, gene keys, and the proprietary system of soul synthesis ANUMAURA™.
ANUMAURA is a system that maps your soul, your potential, you — and provides guidance for how you can bring that into the world. It is the System of Soul™. The System of You™.
It's the map to your Soul Gold.
Let's figure it the f* out
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This free 22 minute recording provides guidance directly from the Record Keepers—the most powerful direct guidance I know. Your Record Keepers are the guides to your soul and the entire recorded history of existence. The Akashic Records act as an etheric library for us all—giving us access to guidance far beyond what we could ever see on our own. Get your free download and guidance now.
As just one of the many tools we use to help you find your path, live your purpose, and move through the world as a fully embodied, alive, turned on soul with the depth, fulfillment, and richness of alignment, your soul map or star map — through the system of ANUMAURA — holds the keys to help you in the most practical and magical of ways along your path. These tools can unlock and show you a whole new world.
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THIS IS Where systems meet soul
THIS IS Where systems meet soul
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Akashic Clarity
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free Tools E-Magazine
1:1 Mentorship
Anumaura Activations
Akashic Clarity
Customized 1:1 Support
To Get Clear + Find Your Spark Quickly
Soul-Level Guidance and Insight
Handcrafted and Designed
A 2 Month Intro Package
A 5 Month Catalyst Container
free Akashic Records Access
Get all the goodies
Plus get access to the Intro series of Tools for These Times—
the Anumaura e-magazine for guidance on purpose, finding your path, and charting your plan ahead.
Get all the goodies
Plus get access to the Intro series of Tools for These Times—
the Anumaura e-magazine for guidance on purpose, finding your path, and charting your plan ahead.
The goal of mentorship is to support you to get clear on your purpose / path and support you bringing that into the world, which can be a longer process. This is a customized journey, where Anumaura Activations are a pre-created path. Each activation can have a slightly different focus; but it's goal is to largely support you in a specific moment in time, and to help you gain clarity and take action around that change. Mentorship is more about support at a particular inflection in life, where it will take a deeper dive and collaboration for you to get clear. Mentorship may include in-person retreats, work, strategy sessions, and more. It is often a more intensive and collaborative path. Submit the mentorship or activation form if you're interested and let me know what questions you have, or if you need a recommendation for which might be best for you.
Usually for you if you're at a crossroads and have already achieved a significant amount in your life, but are ready to figure out what's next. This can take different forms, but usually there is a deeper call and you're ready to dive in to find and create a life of more impact and meaning — however that uniquely looks for you. Our work together helps discover and define that, and can support bringing it into the world. Details here.
I have found that when we are seeking guidance, we do not just need the information but the activation and transformation that information can bring. In an attempt to update and revolutionize how typical coaching and readings are done, this is a 5+ month container that begins with your Intake and leads into a catalyst month, combing an Akashic Records Activation and an Anumaura-based Activation Session, so you can get clear quickly. This is followed with a 90 day container for follow up and integration support—bringing together information with transformation; so you can actually implement the changes you need and want to make. There are different focuses depending on where you're at and what you need, and how in depth you want to go with your charts or Akashic Records. See more here.
Sometimes we just know something is off without really knowing what we need. Maybe it's more info, maybe we're looking for our spark. Maybe it's some sense of direction, confirmation, or assurance.
This powerful session and integration package is done with your Akashic Records—the library of your soul—and your Record Keepers, your soul's eternal librarians. Curious about getting clear? Learn more here.
I was guided to intuitively create and offer this as I was writing and releasing Introducing The Tectonic Times deep dive article and The Tools for These Times E-Magazine. We are in the midst of and facing tremendous change, and this 1:1 customized shamanic and strategic experience is here to help guide you through the Aurora System as discussed in both of those resources to personally envision what's next for your life and what you want to see in the world. It is personal guidance to go through each of the five parts of that system and to begin to build your own internal resources. Learn more here.
5 Months of Guidance and Support through the journey of your charts and layers of your soul blueprints as we illuminate your soul path both forwards and backwards to reveal where you've been, where you're going, and what you're truly here for—whether that's for business, life, purpose, your self, or your soul.
let's do it —
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Your charts are like both a map, manual, and scaffolding of your soul. They show what you came here for, with its many potential ways of expressing (desire, experience, psychology all play huge roles in how they are brought to life), as well as provide guidance as your life continues to unfold.
The sister mystical system to human design; the Gene Keys are an unfolding contemplative path with mystical wisdom from around the world. A different take on the same placements this chart and approach gives more soul and developmental insight to the challenges that can arise, soul lessons we're here for, and the greatest potential we can then share with the world.
The mechanics and more gritty detailing of your encoding; there are both mundane and mystical ways to use an HD chart. It can be as practical as what should I eat and what environments do I do well in — and as esoteric as the soul imprinting of where and how you get stuck and the major lessons you’re here to surmount in life. It’s unfolding as well has major codes for the current phases and initiations you may be facing and living through.
Your soul coding at birth using planetary placements and an ancient zodiacal chart of the sky to understand what you’re here for now and your cosmic and greater unfolding. The very events, lessons, gates, and initiations in your life unfold like a clock — all written from the moment you came into this world.
The proprietary system I’m developing and channeling that considers a new synthesis that is only possible through looking at each layer and combination of the cosmic coded systems listed above. My background is as an initiated shamanic priestess and trained futurist and fortune 100 strategist. I use a systems lens in all my work and this is the next generation of our cosmic encoding and what’s possible when we fully understand and look at who we are across each layer of our blueprint. We need all four layers to truly unlock and comprehend our path rather than getting stuck in just one view. Each system has many ways of using and seeing it, and together there is a whole other comprehension of what’s possible for you and what you’re truly here for.
I come from a perspective of our co-creative power with the universe and the power of our infinite side of self and accessing and working with the infinite in our lives. This is informed by both universal law and other manifestation guidance and principles. When we are aware of our co-creative capacity we can learn how to cooperate with life and the greater forces working on our behalf. We have infinite potential we just have to recognize how to access it.
Sometimes I am guided to use the imagery and messages of other divination tools, such as oracle cards, to help guide or provoke or give additional context in readings. Oracle cards can often work with our awareness on multiple levels so we can access other messages or interpretations we wouldn’t consciously be aware of.
I work with many guides and gods across pantheons; these both show up in your charts and as medicine that we can have a direct experience and knowing with — either through mythology and their stories, oracle cards and archetypal learning experiences, or shamanism. This typically shows up in deeper work, but these guides can appear depending on how things are called for.
I am deeply informed by and aware of the times we live in. We are at an inflection point. How we each choose to show up, what we are inspired and empowered by, how we are guided will shape and change this world. It can either build and usher in a new one, or we can continue to watch the destruction unfold with no renewal or regeneration. We each have our own role in this time, and while that will look vastly different for us all, I believe we came here now in this particular time for an important reason. The way my guides and I have interpreted this change is like the tectonic plates that form our world are all moving at once. Like tectonic musical chairs. Usually they only move one or two at a time, but the very ground of it all is shifting together and all at once. The ground we once knew no longer exists or is there. Maybe you’re aware of this too? That’s why I believe our spiritual and intuitive skills are the only way we can find our path forward—because they are the tools of the unknown.
My start of this work was as a coach before I fully and truly emerged as a mystic. The foundation of my approach to transformation is rooted in this coaching approach which is about working with the deeper layers and parts of yourself, bringing them to awareness, and then through different tools being able to transform or work with them for what you want or are moving through or need to heal or understand at this time.
Sometimes it is helpful to not only see ourselves reflected and to respond to our charts, but to also see ourselves reflected in the diagnostic tools we can use known as psychometrics. These are tools we can use to look at how you naturally accomplish or tackle tasks and do things, what your strengths are, what your natural entrepreneurial approach may be, how and why you’re motivated, and how your character is shaped. These provide another data set to help see similar themes to what we can see from your charts, and to help synthesize and confirm ways of understanding yourself — and to also affirm what comes up in the more esoteric systems and approaches.
Many of my readings are done with the support of your very own soul team and guides in the Akashic Records who have been with you throughout your soul's history. It is the highest form of guidance I know. The Akashic Records is the entire recorded history and potential across all dimensions, timelines, and parallel realities, encoded in the ether—meaning they can see far beyond what we can ever see on our own. (Akasha is the Sanskrit word for ether.) The records act as a library and your soul team and record keepers help us access the information and guidance you need. My approach to the records is very empowering — it’s about you getting clear on what you want and the guidance to help you do so, rather than a passive experience of just being told things. You take an active sovereign role. The akashic records energy can be healing and transformative and a catalyst all on its own; it’s not just for “information” but guidance and help in many ways and on many different levels.
Eastern astrology has a different interpretation and way of dividing the sky. In Vedic astrology, which originates in India, they use a system of mapping the sky known as Sidereal. This system moves every year in how and where the planets are, which acknowledges something known as the Precession of the Equinoxes. Without going off the deep end, essentially, the zodiac, where the equinoxes occur within it, and the constellations shift 1* every 72 years. This might not make a big difference in a lifetime, but over thousands of years, the whole "sky moves." These long-term calculations are one of the basis of the prophecies that are unfolding and set to unfold over a large period of time now. All three systems, human design, astrology, and the gene keys, are aware of how this clock is moving, and you'll find different wisdom and predictions surrounding each.
The centers in the Human Design chart originate with the seven chakra system. The Hindu-Brahmin System is the origin of the wisdom of both the energy centers and their correspondence to our anatomy in our Human Design chart. As new planetary discoveries and activations occurred, they unlocked new chart evolutions. Namely, in 1781, with the discovery of Uranus we became nine centered beings. This is the current state of the Human Design chart, although the body graph is set to evolve again starting in 2027.
The I Ching is estimated to be over 5,000 years old. It originates in China, and its wisdom has been passed down even before it was recorded and written, through dynasties. The I Ching is a complex system on its own that corresponds with the dual forces in the universe and nature. Those two forces then create 64 expressions, which each hold their own wisdom and coding about how nature works. There are many interpretations and translations of the I Ching, but the first into English happened in the late 1800s. The I Ching is known as the book of changes; its correspondences and mystical nature includes its connections to the basis of both computer code and our DNA. This is where the connections to both amino acids come from in the Human Design and Gene Keys charts.
Western astrology is based on a tropical sky map. This means it does not move like the Vedic system does, so overtime, as you look at the sky, where the planets are, correspond differently to Western calculations or maps of the zodiac. Nonetheless, the Western origins of astrology, namely through the Greeks, the Egyptians, through European and Arabic development, and the Humanistic movement are what are used for the planetary definitions / references in human design. Each tradition of astrology, both Western and Eastern, has many schools of thought, origin, calculation, practice, and technique. I have found that there are often uses in many of these schools, depending, and take an open minded approach to how I use and embrace them, if they are resonant for me. One thing to note is I believe astrology is much more ancient than its 5,000 years we prescribe to it. Both from its engravings in Egypt, and its documentation with the Babylonians, I believe it is a system that was inherited and passed down, and that it started before them.
The Jewish Kabbalah and its wisdom is an area of development for me, and I am at the beginning of my journey with its teachings. Its correspondence in the Human Design system is with the Tree of Life, and its 22 pathways, which correspond to or inspire the 32 channels in the Human Design body graph. The Kabbalah is a deeply mystical and complex teaching, and is not for the uninitiated.
One of the major early predictions of Human Design was how our charts, and therefore ourselves, are encoded at birth. This is through the conditioning and filtering of subatomic particles known as neutrinos. Neutrinos were first postulated in 1930 and detected in the 1950s, but the proof / confirmation that they are the smallest particles to carry mass only came in 1998, after the human design revelation in 1987. Neutrinos travel at practically the speed of light. There are almost a 100 trillion neutrinos that pass through us and our bodies every second, carrying information from the sun, other planets, and cosmic elements and information in space. This is how our charts "encode" into our being at the time we are born.
Each system of wisdom corresponds to particular areas of different charts and is indicated below.
When I asked my own guides about this, I was shown how we need global wisdom for the times that lie ahead. That many traditions, cultures, and wisdoms have a piece to contribute, and that we get to access it all now in a time of global connectivity, because we need it. And what a gift that is.
But it is a gift that comes with responsibility.
As does all sacred wisdom, mystical and spiritual practice, and tools that are passed on.
The use of these wisdom systems from around the world is a unique and precious privilege and opportunity for the time we live in. We get access to the collective wisdom and are able to bring together all of that wisdom through these personalized and collective interpretative and encoded tools of our lives. The key is to be in right relationship and respect with honoring their wisdom. I don’t believe we can just take; that it needs to be an exchange and recognition of where these wisdoms come from and why we have access to them now — both because of who and what came before us, and what is unfolding. It is a gift and it is for all of us, and there are so many things and people that made it possible for us to even access and have them to begin with.
That said we must recognize honor and have deep gratitude and reverence for the people and cultures who have carried and continued to pass down and provide access to where this insight comes from to begin with. Without them, their dedication, insight, and work we would not have the foundation these systems could develop from. We have to honor the roots. And to me that is about conscious communication and honoring and gratitude in whatever ways we are called to be in sacred relationship and exchange.
Ra (the receiver and creator of human design as most know it) channeled and received this wisdom. He did not create it on his own, but he did develop it and bring it into the world. The consciousness that informed him and took him on a journey is the true seed of this potential insight. It is a cosmic gift, that wouldn’t be possible without the other gifts, work, and sacrifices made before it. It is for us all, as a global system for the times we now live in. It specifically came here due to the changes we are now experiencing and that lie ahead.
Having traveled a long road of studying and specializing in transformation and change—both the outer (systems change, social entrepreneurship, as a futurist, and social scientist) and the inner (as a certified depth and alternative therapies transformational practitioner, Akashic Records consultant, astrologer, human design, and gene keys coach — and so much more) — she brings together a systems lens of both the personal, universal, and societal, specializing in helping those figure out what’s next and discover and live their purpose whether they’re starting out or starting over.
What she finds is that we get to live and decide our own destiny, but that there is often so much more beyond the surface or conventional solutions, and by being able to bridge systems with soul we can go to places we’ve never imagined before. Her work is about envisioning and building the next system for us all in the greatest time of change and opportunity humanity has faced in the last 25,000 (potentially 300,000) years, and about pushing us to believe in our full embodied potential when we realize what we’re capable of from a place of embodied magic, power, and soul.
She believes in the unique genius in us all and is developing a new system to help encode and discover that through her proprietary work ANUMAURA (“soul gold”). When we are each fully and freely able to embody our genius then we will unlock the true potential not just for ourselves, but for us all, and a whole new world.
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Plus get access to the Intro series of Tools for These Times—
the Anumaura e-magazine for guidance on purpose, finding your path, and charting your plan ahead.