Introducing The Tectonic Times


December 31, 2024

Hi, I'm Lea

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Anumaura is a Soul System that maps your soul essence or gold across Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys into one new map and system of synthesis — Anumaura. Anumaura helps you unlock and discover your purpose, what's next, what you're here for, and what's going on in your life.
It is the System of Soul.
It is the System of You.

Anumaura is emerging now to help us navigate and find our way forward in the unique time we live in. It is built on the idea that we are each here for a reason, now.
What's yours?




Welcome to the World of Soul. Welcome to Anumaura.
I discuss my latest ideas in
Soul Systems, Purpose, and the Tectonic Times we're living in.

Aka the Time You and I Live in Now Where the Very Plates of Reality Are Shifting

The Tectonic Times — Aka the Time You and I Live in Now Where the Very Plates of Reality Are Shifting

What does that mean for you, the world, the planet, and your life? An intro and primer.





I kept hearing of the same book over the course of two days. It kept popping up. First, in a book I was reading, and then during an event I was attending online. I decided I needed to download it and read it—it was coming up for a reason, and the title kept pinging within me.

I downloaded a sample, finished it in an hour, and immediately purchased the digital version. I couldn’t put it down.

That book detailed and introduced to me the time we are living in. The time of great change. I was already thinking about our collective cycles of time, both personally and for a model of transformation, and yet there was a whole other cosmic level that aligned across multiple cultures that I had never heard of before. I had heard of bits and pieces, but I had never seen them all laid out together, nor did I know they all overlapped and showed the same thing about the time we live in now.

We live in a time of prophecy.

When I first encountered this, I went into some kind of shock. My system wanted to know everything immediately and all at once. And yet— and yet — this felt like a big missing piece to the personal puzzle and journey I’d been on for at least a decade at that point, if not much longer.

I had finally understood what I felt all along—that we are not just living in a time of change, we are the very living embodiment of the tipping point for humanity and the future of the world. And we get to decide how we tip forward or backward, together, now.


We are living in times that have been prophesied about for thousands of years. By many different cultures and messengers across many different places and timelines.

They all say the same thing: we are living through tremendous change. 

I found this out through a series of awakenings one after the other. Intellectually via the Club of Rome’s work and my entry into the futurist community and systems thinking. That was over a decade ago. Spiritually via shamanism and what it means to survive and thrive in crises of change. That initiation was over 6 years ago now. Prophetically via the massive synchronistic calculations of the times we live in now and the texts that have envisioned this change. That happened just a bit over a year and change ago, where all of the pieces started to connect.

Each of these was an extreme shock to the system. But perhaps, they weren’t so surprising, given what I started to notice about the world and how it works—or fails to. Together I think they inform and illustrate the time we live in now—and the time we are entering into and are facing ahead. And perhaps, the opportunity and challenges we are being called to rise up, meet the moment, and face. 

Whether you look at the data, cosmic time scales, cyclical timekeeping systems, or prophecy, the message, the opportunity, and the challenge all match up: we are living in unprecedented times.

Times of rapid change, what some might call progress, what some might call materialism run rampant. We are living in times where our very systems and the fabric of reality will be challenged—and will likely be forced to change. 

We are living in unprecedented times.

There is both opportunity and challenge in this. The opportunity to remake the world into what we ultimately are here for and want to see. The challenge of living in end times, when what no longer works will fight and die away. And the dual opportunity and challenge of living through a collective not-so-conscious spiritual and global awakening (maybe one we are already in?). And, as you’ll read and may already know, the awakening process is almost always shocking, but is rarely easeful or voluntary. (Though, sometimes it is — and even then it has its challenges.)

We are living in the in between—where both can be true. And depending on what vantage point you live from and anchor your life into, you can be sad, glad, happy, mad, thrilled, and terrified all at once, or not at all.

As a spiritual practitioner, trained systems thinker, and strategist, I look at this time in both ways. I look at it from the perspective of social science, data, and systems—and I also look at it from prophecy, spiritual guidance and wisdom, and the celestial clocks that govern our reality.

I want to share more about what I see is happening, what the opportunity is, and propose a path forward that I have not seen discussed at all, and have been looking for. Here goes.

Defining The Tectonic Times

When I asked my guides (my spiritual unseen advisors including my Akashic Record Keepers) about understanding what is happening, they showed me these moving tectonic plates. But instead of “normal” tectonic movement, these plates—all of them—were moving all at once. They were overlapping and constantly shifting and moving. It was like the very ground of reality was changing, constantly, and all of the time. They told me this is The Tectonic Times. Where things shift and move all at once, like musical chairs, rather than behaving normally where one or two things might move or slowly meet or change.

Definition The Tectonic Times: Where things move and shift all at once, all the time.

Two perspectives on our current reality

As I was contemplating this article, Big Think published a video with social scientist, author, professor, and researcher Brian Klaas. In it, he covers key concepts and views around what is happening now, how our systems are designed and often interlinked, and what that means in a world that is rapidly changing, but where our old models of understanding and prediction no longer fit. I think it’s a good overview and analysis of much of what I am seeing now on the spiritual side of things, summarized from a social, complexity, and systems science perspective.

Essentially, if you look back at the last two recessions—2008 and 2020—you get a picture of what he is talking about. Our drive and urge for convenience, capitalism, technology, and access have put us in a vulnerable place. Economically we are more intertwined than we realize, our systems have very targeted vulnerabilities, and we often rely on exports, tourism, or some level of interconnectedness beyond each of our economic localities; it really only takes one whiff and things can rapidly change and come tumbling down. Not to mention the market drive for more, faster, and better is actually causing our reliance on systems, products, and services that leave us dependent on their existence, rather than being self reliant or having more communal security and therefore structures of support at a local level.

In the futurist and social science community the language you might use around this is known as VUCA: volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. Four ways of describing the rapid, unpredictable, extreme, heightened, interconnected, difficult to deal with, and often hard to discern or predict change that has become more frequent in the world.

Essentially, wild things happen more often, they are less predictable, one thing can set off a chain reaction, and / or we’re dealing with things we’ve never had to deal with before, at whole new levels, degrees of change, and rapid and continuance occurrence—one after the other.

We can see this just in the last year with global weather, political, and technological events. Places that never flooded, did. In the last month, we’ve had rapid and dramatic political shifts all around the world. Technology is accelerating in unpredictable ways.

This is a time where everything is changing rapidly, quickly, and all at once. And the world reflects and shows this change everyday. We can barely keep up with tech, news, information, and the shifts, or lack of, in our weather.

This is not to say that we cannot create solutions to these challenges or recover from these situations, but they are costing more, making a bigger strain on our social systems, governments, safety nets, insurance, and infrastructure; and creating a unique dynamic where one thing on one side of the world, can instantly affect change on the other. We are not living in predictable, controllable circumstances. And we are more interconnected via technology, communication, economics, and politics than ever before. This has both benefits and consequences, especially on a world whose minds, hearts, and resources are already strained.

Let’s talk about how this is both understood and aligned on the spiritual end of the spectrum.

Looking at the celestial clock, there are ways to calculate the greater cycles of change and collective seasons we are living in. And guess what? In multiple systems, across multiple time scales, they all pretty much align to indicate a massive change now.

This change—a shift from one galactic season to the next—and the huge ginormous cycles of evolution we are in are reflected in many of the systems I use and refer to with clients: Western and Eastern (Vedic) Astrology, Human Design, the Gene Keys, and more. (And these are not just once in a lifetime transits, they are once in an eon — global and galactic level changes that play out over a minimum of 400, 2,500, 5,000 and 25,000-30,000 year cycles. Minimum. If not more like 300,000 years.)

The fact that these timescales and ways of understanding where we are at across the world all match up now is nothing short of breathtaking. 

There are different ways these changes line up: the shifting of and through the Yugas, ending the Kali Yuga and entering a period of transition (the Vedic cycles complete at minimum on a scale of 25,000 years though there are many scholars and mystics with diverse opinions on the subject); the shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius (yes, that Age of Aquarius) triggered by the precession of the equinoxes (a change of global ages that occurs every 2,500 years, on a total cyclical scale of 25,000- 30,000 years, documented both via astronomy and astrology); the end of one world age to the next from the Hopi, Mayans, and more; the galactic alignment of our solar system and planet with the center of our galaxy; the shift of the background frequencies and global energies and keys in Human Design (and the Gene Keys) and their many changes in 2027 (yes, barely 2 years away) that occurs every 400 years but has never been in this exact imprint in the last ~28,000 years; and more I am sure I have yet to come across or fully document here.

This is not to mention all of the prophetic texts that have been written and come from around the world about the time we live in now: from Europe, to Asia, to the Americas, to Africa; from 1200+ years ago, to just 40, to over 5,000, and more, these span the scale of when they were received and transmitted, who received them and how, and in various warnings and forms—and they all talk about extreme change.

The challenge with these scales of time is they are often beyond our imagination and perhaps comprehension. 

The only way we have access to any kind of wisdom or history about what occurred is through archeological or geological research, whatever written or carved records remain, or through Indigenous and oral wisdom that has been passed on.

Many who choose a more mechanistic, precise, and scientific path may be quick to rebuff these spiritual and cosmic timescales; however, we are not dealing with, nor are we any longer in the realm of the predictable—and will continue to see, whatever we think is predictable fail. We have already seen that this year with weather patterns alone. What is happening isn’t predictable—it’s unexpected. We can have forewarning, but we cannot have exact dates, precise measurements or plans, or expected occurrences. This is why it is both a challenge and opportunity. And the whole premise of why we have to consider both the plausible and the unexpected, because we do not get to do this again if we don’t.

Here’s the bottom line of what this all means, without going into details: we are at the end of one age or global or galactic season to the next. We are at the time of rebirth, winter, or dramatic change, similar to what can happen to a caterpillar dissolving into a cocoon or chrysalis, before becoming a butterfly. We are at a portal of dramatic shifts, global metamorphosis, and rebirth. And just like this doesn’t happen overnight for the caterpillar, or how our own seasons shift and change, this period of time is unpredictable in its length, features, beginning, and end. And much of it is up to us.

We are in a time / portal of global awakening. Awakening, which often comes via crisis, confrontation, and rarely, if ever, is chosen. Ask anyone on the spiritual path how easeful or enjoyable an ego death is and they’ll let you know. Or ask a snake about the pleasure of shedding its skin. 

Without getting into specifics, the main headline is this: we have a choice. It can be the greatest time or the worst — we are being faced with a rebirth and that process might be difficult, but we can decide to transcend the traps of the way things are now and create a new way or succumb to the way things have been and watch the world as we know it disappear. 

Change is happening either way, with us or without us. It is in some ways happening for us so we can be shown a better way. In some ways this is like the individual spiritual process when your life entirely transforms: it is not easy, you have to face your shit, you can try or attempt to go backwards but really that way no longer exists, and through facing the very things that keep you stuck and trapped, you can experience the greatest love and potential you have ever known. But it is not easy and many often want to quit (and do).

I think we are going through a collective spiritual evolution and series of initiations now.

I think we are going through a collective spiritual evolution and series of initiations now. Choices we are faced with about who we are, what we value, and who we will become and choose to be when faced with things that may cause us pain or to resist, but are ultimately being shown to us because we cannot hide from the truth or potential of who we are anymore. (Or continue to deceive ourselves that what we’re doing is working in the best interest of all, or is even, at a bare minimum, able to continue to just exist much longer without significant change.)

This is a process that happens along the spiritual path often which is why I believe spiritual and shamanic wisdom about surviving and consciously being reborn is essential to now. About how to live and embrace the path of transformation, and why it is happening now. Why it is happening for us.  There are many different opinions about the opportunities and challenges of this time, which I will address, but this is how I see what we are living in, and the opportunity of what we get to live through, as someone who lives and walks this path, and guides others too to survive it and thrive as well.

Personal lessons from the path and medicine of spiritual initiation

My perspective on this change comes as someone that walks this spiritual and initiatory path. And has been initiated on it many times before.

It is not just from the perspective of data, prophecy, or galactic / celestial time scales and all their details, perspectives, and opinions.

Instead, it comes from someone who’s used to navigating the seen and unseen, and what those unique challenges present even when they appear as one thing but are really something else.

I approach this as someone who navigates the seen and unseen.

When we’re going through a portal or spiritual initiation, which is what I suspect this is (except it’s for all of us—for collective consciousness), we don’t always know what is on the other side, and we don’t always see what it’s about at first, because it’s been hidden.

Because we’ve been ignoring things, they have to come to the surface for us, in ways we often don’t want or understand at first but are disruptive enough to get our actual attention.

Ultimately, if we accept and can learn from them, we eventually do appreciate these experiences in hindsight, because we can finally make it through, overcome, or transform what has been holding us back to begin with. That is the opportunity and their ultimate purpose. They are happening for us and through us, not to us.

Initiations can be shocking, they are personal revolutions of change, orchestrated for us, by the forces beyond ourselves, our minds, our world. (One of those forces includes our own souls.) There is ultimately love and good behind them, often our souls are cheering for this change to get us on the path we set out for, but we have to trust and see it through—otherwise we get stuck or trapped where we were to begin with and have to repeat the process all over again. Or we think it’s just about what we can “see” and not what is actually trying to be shown or facilitated for us. We don’t need ceremony, shamanic, or spiritual practice—often life is the catalyst and initiating force itself.

Often life is the catalyst and initiating force itself.

My own experiences with initiation and shock happen again and again in my life as a transformative practice of change.

I have a deep relationship with working through and surviving these experiences, because they happen often for me. That is where this wisdom comes from above—it’s not just theoretical, it is practical. It is what I have lived by and been able to survive and ultimately overcome these challenges, because I have sat with and looked at what is trying to be shown for me. What is here?

I have dared to go beyond the surface of the event itself, and looked at what is it here that I need to see, learn, change, become, or do. I have not loved these experiences at all. I don’t love going through them, but I am able to learn from them and not have to repeat them.

That is why I believe this is part of my message to share—that there may be a third way through all of this, a way that is not just about love and light and positive outlook and thinking, and a way that is not just about giving up, succumbing to the difficulty, that we’re all screwed. There is a way of facing what comes, and being able to see, alchemize, find, recover, and reclaim the light of what is ultimately true for us and for our highest good. When we face these things, they can become healed, so we are no longer carrying these same repeating patterns, wounds, stories, or traumas forward with us. They have been clarified, burned down, resolved, and reclaimed into the gold and light they truly are—the entire point and goal of alchemy to begin with.

Intro to the underworld—a path of spiritual awakening

The journey can be equated to visiting the underworld—or descending to the depths to find our essence and reclaim our truth.

There are many myths and archetypal figures and journeys that speak to this — Inanna, Persephone, Pluto, Greek warriors, and more.

Inanna’s myth is my favorite if not the most extreme. The Sumerian Goddess and Queen of Heaven and Earth decides to visit her sister in the underworld. Some say it is for comforting her sister, who is mourning the loss of her husband and consort. Some say it was ego to expand her power — that she wanted to rule the underworld, too. Her sister Ereshkigal, Queen of the Underworld and sister to Inanna, is asked if she should be allowed to come. She gives her approval — but only if she leaves a piece of her armor, finery, and royal accessories at every gate she passes through. Inanna agrees, and by the time she takes off her armor, her crown, her bracelets, and shoes, she eventually has to remove all her garments, too. She is stripped naked and laid bare and when she reaches Ereshikgal she is humbled by being strung up by a meat hook and left to die. This is for her boldness, assumption, ego, and just plain bothering Ereshikgal who is in no mood to suffer fools.

Thankfully, Inanna left her handmaiden at the entrance to the underworld and told her if she’s not back in 3 days to go fetch help. She tries to go to Inanna’s own husband who has already taken over her throne, and he declines to help. The handmaiden goes to her father, and Inanna’s Dad does not intervene. Eventually, the handmaiden makes it to her Uncle who out of his kindness and love for Inanna, lazily flicks the dirt out from beneath his fingernails and creates two emotionally reflective beings to bring sympathy, understanding, and empathy to Ereshkigal in her mourning. These beings slip into the underworld and bring the Queen below comfort. So much so that she asks them what they want in return. They ask for Inanna. She agrees and releases her off the hook. The most powerful queen and goddess on the brink of death, saved with a little food and water thanks to these creatures.

Inanna makes the journey back up to the living world. At each gate she picks up her adornments, but she no longer clings to them in the same way she did before as trappings of her identity and power. She already knows who she is — she does not need anything or anyone any longer. She was laid bare to herself and her soul and has a new unclaimable power — the power and truth of who she is, what she has survived, what makes her a sovereign being unto herself — the power and reality of her soul and inner strength and not the definitions of the world around her or the trappings of her adornments.

The story goes on that she had to make a bargain with her sister to send someone back in her place. Ultimately she sends her good for nothing husband since he attempted to take over her throne without helping her at all. 

So what does a naked goddess have to do with the rebirth of the world? There are likely things that need to change. Things that are not true to us, to who we are, as humanity or embodied souls, that if we are to make it to the underworld hanging on by a thread and back again, we have to be stripped and laid bare of everything we thought we were — capitalism, ego, wealth, false ideas of status, power, and what matters, the illusion of progress in the form of technology and foregoing our planet and soul — and be reborn and reunited to the truth — love, soul, life. We can willingly face this process like entering ceremony and shamanic practice or we can be initiated by forces outside of ourself — to be brought back into balance. As you may already know from myths and ages ago, this has already happened to humanity in its many world ages and cycles before. (Noah ring a bell, anyone?)

The two paths to awakening and change 

Often awakening comes suddenly and without warning. It can feel like your skin is being ripped off and the world has changed from one moment to the next. In an instant reality has shifted. 

Awakening can also come through blissful experiences. You can have the most ecstatic incredible opportunity, but then you can have a moment of coming back to life or reality as you know it. How do you rectify the two? How do you integrate what you have just experienced but your world has yet to reflect? How do you explain or share what you’ve just been through? This can be just as painful as being eviscerated and faced with the very thing you must change — and just as lonely. There is often a “come down” and depression as you return to your ‘normal’ life—with the pain of having the greatest joy, losing it, and not being able to fully share it with others. 

As someone who has experienced both, and their variations, neither is easy. Sure, you can try to anchor your new reality either way, but there is still this process of “new skin” where you either have to leave the world as you once knew it behind, or chart a new course in the world alone. 

The bliss process can often be seen as a path through the heights or light. And the ego death process is often via the depths or the dark. I believe we are collectively facing the latter.  

Does the snake want to shed its skin or does it have to? Does the caterpillar want to dissolve? Does it even know that’s what’s about to happen and they’re being prepared for? Do any of these beings want to change? Or do they have to? We can equally learn about these powerful portals of transformation from nature and her beings, and how they survive them, too. 

Most awakening processes are not voluntary. We are backed into them. Confronted. Caught off guard. They are uncomfortable. Rarely they are embraced and voluntary; and when they are, they are often peak experiences. And even then they often remain unintegrated and once in a lifetime or blue moon occurrences. They are difficult, and we often go kicking and screaming. Many people can even regress, stall, or freeze and get stuck—rather than doing the mining and alchemizing of what is happening for them in the first place. Going beyond the seen to see what lies beneath or what is being shown or indicated is also a major factor to your successful journey through and completion to make it to the other side. 

I say this to give you some conscious awareness and context that the process is a fact of life. You may have been through a personal painful experience or even joyful one like this and wondered what happened. You may already be intimately aware if this resonates with the path you’re on. The difference is, as we’ve seen with 2020, this is now happening loudly and at a collective level more frequently. This is The Tectonic Times—and what we are here for to process and move through now. 

Breaking down the darkness

Rethinking the dark—What is darkness? The underworld? What does it actually represent?

Often you have to be willing to face the darkness, the depth, the unknown to get to the true source of your light. To let go of, challenge, inquire, and investigate what’s not truly you or what you once believed to be true, but holds you back, keeps you trapped, or is the source of your problems to begin with.  

The underworld can often be seen as an analogy for our unconscious. The murky waters within that can appear to be monsters but are just old ideas, experiences, or illusions waiting to be healed, integrated, seen, or challenged.

Often you have to be willing to face the darkness, the depth, the unknown to get to the true source of your light.

We often encounter the dark through descent. Through a confrontation or a crisis. Something in our world is falling apart, causing us to face ourselves or what we believed to be true, or hitting a bottom through an experience or depression. These are each often calls to action—to see what’s really there, who we truly are and what we are capable of, and what actually matters.

They can equally show us all of this through the habits, people, circumstances, and beliefs that hold us back; how we show up; what isn’t working; what is misaligned; the false ideas and projections and attachments of how we defined ourselves, what matters, and our world. By facing these things and going / looking beneath the surface or appearance of crisis, we can uncover what’s really there for us to see — how we may be contributing, what our responsibility or mindset is, how we’re currently showing up, or what personal limitations need to shift. These situations are often trying to show us something about ourselves, our path, our lives, so we can learn, change, shift, adapt, heal, or grow. 

A story of personal confrontation

I have many of these but few I dare want to tell. In this situation a series of events unfolded where I was confronted with a karmic, ancestral, and unconscious pattern of my own. I had been through a challenging process doing this work before and was rebuilding my skills. While I was doing this, I was also hiding from what had previously occurred in fear of repeating any of those horrible experiences again. 

Without going into too many details, one of the ways I was hiding but still being in service was developing and giving away my gifts for free in my conversations with friends. I was happily sharing what I loved, but I was unconsciously seeking approval. Little did I know I was setting myself up to see, repeat, and break an ancestral pattern of betrayal. 

In this specific instance, a friend who I’d been helping consciously and unconsciously coach and guide for over a year informed me that they finally hired someone as a coach. I paused the conversation in shock—excuse me? And, proud of myself for actually asking, I asked why they took that path rather than work with me. The reasons they gave were unsatisfying—with no recognition or apology for why I would feel that something was wrong. That was the last time I ever spoke to them. 

What I found in the many months of healing and recovery since, was that a dual pattern of betrayal and codependency laid at the root of this. Through family constellation work, I was able to heal the wounds and patterns of betrayal and hand that shit back to my ancestors of both sides of my family. I was able to see its current, recent, and ancient effects in that process. It was wild, beautiful, and powerful. 

Equally, I continued to dig deep and see my warped need to be needed as a form of codependent behavior—one that to me is the side of codependence less spoken of. Not the one seeking to be rescued, but the one always rescuing. There were specific ways I could focus on this and see it, but I was reminded of it again through a project that went sideways. Another time where I didn’t own my value and was looking for it to be validated in ways outside myself. I deeply compromised and ultimately paid for it in the end.

None of this awareness happened peacefully—in fact, it was all incredibly painful. It happened by getting metaphorically hit and shocked upside the head. It happened by having the people I thought that mattered and respected me ripped out of my life. It happened by confrontation with myself. 

This is one of many painful, healing, and vulnerable instances of how this process goes down. There can be many external interpretations, and yet, only I can know what’s true and being shown and called of me. Only I can sit with and go deeper to see and reveal the layers of what’s really at the base of this. I can see what parts are my own, what’s there for me, what’s past the surface of who did what and why, and the pain, to the truth of who I am and my power and potential. And what the gift and lesson is in all of it. Aka — venturing through my own journey of depth, transformation, and the underworld and back again.

My own personal experiences with navigating the underworld and darkness

I have been slowly coming out of a cave. I feel like I have my own express pass to the underworld and back again. It’s almost a second, familiar home at this point. And yet, because I travel there I am familiar with how to reclaim the light that can come from that journey. The only light that is available by traveling through the darkness.  

Often the darkness is misinterpreted as bad or wrong. When the darkness can mean many things. It can be hidden. It can be what’s unseen or neglected. What’s under the surface. What else is there. What lies in wait. What is simply unknown. Often the things that are not great may hide and linger in these hidden or unseen spaces, but they are not the only things there. The darkness holds a space of reclamation. A space of discovery and uncovering. A space of alchemy and rebirth and reinvention.  A space of release and letting go. 

In a society that is full of light and growth chasing propaganda, whether its spiritual or material, always chasing growth and never rest, looking at things as a linear unfolding vs cyclical, we are wholly unequipped to encounter the darkness, when the journey to depth and soul is what lies in the dark. The soul can often be what’s hidden and what jewel is exactly waiting to be reclaimed and discovered. 

The darkness can be likened to the winter. The winter is not a season of evil. It may be a season of release or challenge. But it is also a season of rest. Of hibernating and going within. Of getting to the essence, to our roots, and core values. It is also a season of recognition. A chance to pause. To reset. It is also a season of death. 

(Literally as I wrote this a pair of crows / ravens passed over low over my yard, dog, and head.) 

And yet, as we know, winter is not the end, it is only the beginning. 

It is a portal to rebirth.  

That is the time we live in now. 

The collective rebirth, switch of the galactic seasonal changes, the portal of the end of one time and the seeds and beginning being planted for what’s next. 

Did you know roots grow the deepest in the winter? That without winter, trees cannot deepen into the earth—so that they can grow taller, stronger, and be more resilient. Likewise, without winter, we cannot deepen into the existence, truth, and value of who and what we truly are and are here for—so we can also expand and become more and who we truly are—embodied beings of light, soul, and power and not a manufactured mirage of ‘humanity.’

That is the time we face now. We get to be the ones to enter the portal, to discover and uncover new jewels and what remains, to alchemize what needs to be healed and transformed and reclaimed, and to plant and reimagine the seeds of what is next.

Revealing the truth within and without—to reimagine what’s possible

The darkness holds the unconscious, subconscious, and unknown. The things we haven’t paid attention to, the collective data, the unprocessed experiences, unexamined ideas and beliefs about what we think and how things have to be. This is largely what we are facing, reexamining, and is being kicked up now and next.

We have to heal within to heal without. When we heal within we heal without. We can’t imagine a new world if we’re still trapped internally within the old. This is the alchemy. That we get to reinform and rechallenge our ideas and minds about what works. And what has to be that way. But our wounds and experiences can keep us trapped. Hidden. Alone. Disempowered. Living a lie. Those lies break from within our bodies, minds, and souls. 

Initiation, confrontation, and awakening often exist so that we can see what we are refusing to see: the patterns, old outdated ideas, the problems, the traps, and the ways we compromise the world and ourselves.

Systems are based on ideas and perceptions and values. What we think is possible, necessary, inherently good or true. If we no longer believe those things we no longer co-create those systems. We can imagine anew. And transfer to a new world. We can make different choices, and navigate, find, and create new ways.

“You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete." - Buckminster Fuller

It is interesting to consider that systems only exist with us and for us. Within us.Through our consent and participation. Through our energy, attention, and practice. If we no longer consent, or find new systems to participate in, the old will no longer have the fuel to exist.

But to do that, we have to first be willing to see how we actively and consciously or unconsciously participate in the very things that cause ourselves, the world, and each other harm. We have to be willing to challenge our assumptions and defenses about how the world works—and who it works for.

We can see the way things are now are being challenged. That can either happen in a productive or destructive way—or both. It can happen by conscious choice and action—and through unconscious destruction. We get to choose. And to do this, we first have to be willing to see what we want to, or not, participate within.

Our paths are entirely our own and they can weave and unite together. This is not the work of one individual but a collective reimagining and living into what we believe is true and possible. Of building the new together. Resetting the paradigm and stage for all of humanity one step at a time within. And one step at a time all together. 

We no longer have to be defined or trapped by the mistakes of the past. Individual or collective. We can (and likely need to) be informed, but we don’t have to be trapped. But the only way we are and get to be redefined is by being informed and creating the new. A new that transcends the very things that are harming us and all of life. A new that doesn’t repeat the mistakes of the past.

The new that isn’t built on those shattered and false dreams, ideals, and paradigms. The new that isn’t belittled by ignorance or division or hatred. The new that is whole and believes in the good and the love and the life for all. All life is sacred. From the rocks to the trees. From the water to the land. From the soul within and of each of us. 

These are not just wishy washy sayings or beliefs of old, but the truth and the bedrock and the foundation of building and envisioning a new paradigm and reality. Of starting from a different place — of wholeness, honoring, respect, and truth. Making different choices rather than regressing. And not the violence of ranking life and each other through separation, evaluation, quantification, and division.

What do we build when we reimagine and truly step into and believe the truth, fullness, and abundance of who we are? That’s where we get to start. Because it’s a whole new paradigm and reality shaped from within and without. Nothing could be more practical or true. 

We are life. We are all living things. When you realize that you step into the world with a different relationship and awareness of yourself, your actions, your energy, your impact, your potential, the beauty, blessing, and bounty of the world around us that we get to steward and take part in. Not desecrate for decades of economic growth and technological change. You cannot have either if the planet or humanity ceases to exist. And neither truly matters in the first place if they are not aligned with who we are — the goodness of who we are — and not the desecration of what we think a manufactured existence is about. 

We have more power than we could ever know.

We have more power than we could ever know. We are connected to a force greater than all existence combined. That force is life itself. It can remake us with a flick of its hand if it chooses. But we can and get to choose first. If we are brave enough to. If we dare to reimagine the new. 

We can choose to consciously look at and face our shit. But often we are forced because we don’t dare willingly go there on our own. But the force of life is more powerful than our blindness and we will find that facing one way or another. It will find and face us. 

What can we learn from the individual spiritual journey, awakening, and descent? What can we learn from archetypal embodiment, integration, shadow and parts work?—but at a collective level?

The parallels between the macro and micro are vast. Between the individual and the collective, they are the same processes. Just like we have parts from our past within — a la parts work based on our experiences, beliefs, and trapped ideas or additional expressions of self — do we have millions or billions of people (or parts of collective consciousness) on this planet at this time. Which parts are rising to change? Which are trying to hold on? Which are resisting and acting from fear? This theater of consciousness and awareness is playing out before us just like it is always a battle within. As within so without.

I wonder what this collective parts work might look like. Like we’ve created processes for individual consciousness and processing of emotions and unconscious material—I do not think we have consciously created collective processes, as well. This is likely needed. We have things that unintentionally process collective emotions—rituals, like media and music and concerts and sports—but we do not have a concerted, intentional process of coming together, discussing, healing, transforming, and rectifying the old and the new. (Maybe you know better than I do—but I have yet to come across it. Yes, there are community-level practices, but are there collective level practices (that extend beyond localities?) There have been attempts, but have they truly done the work we need to do? I would love to hear more if you know, too.)

Is this an opportunity for wholeness?

Are we seeing the rise up of the material of the collective unconscious that has been waiting desperately to be processed? The ego always fights back. It wants to be safe and sane. To go back to the way things were when that no longer exists. It’s an illusion, a false promise or premise to return. You are no longer the same. The world is not the same. Things have grown and changed. Conditions are altered. The false ideas and past promises are traps of the mind and ways to lullaby you into a false sense of security and safety that was never or once there. 

There is a chorus of parts in the world now. Those who want to go back to the way things were and will fight to do so. And those who are suffering under the false security and stability of the current systems. And many across the spectrum. And through all of it, if we think of our collective consciousness like the consciousness of one individual, we have all our parts shouting out for one way or the other.

This is like the individual process, like the descent to the underworld or ego death, where our fears, hesitations, and limitations largely show up to be healed and integrated.

I believe this is some of what we’re seeing now—all of that collective material being surfaced to be processed, integrated, and understood. That is largely the goal of parts work—integration, acknowledgement, and acceptance of all of who we are. Not so that we let all of our harmful and controlling parts run loose, but so we get to the bottom of their needs, what they really want, and resolve and solve for them with new solutions and new ways forward. The parts are isolated or controlling because they’re scared, they’re protecting, their needs are not being met; not because that’s who or how they truly are. Those behaviors have been developed as a reactive force and coping mechanism due to previous or unsettled or unprocessed experiences and now they are operating off of misbeliefs and confusion about how they have to be or how they think things are.

So what’s next?

It is not as simple of an answer as we each need to do our parts work and live our soul path. Yes, that is a big part of it. But I also believe it’s similar to the integration work we have to do within. In integration and healing work, we have to be willing to talk to those parts of us who don’t understand. To work with them. To be on the same team rather than splintered. I wonder then if that is the medicine we need now — to seek to understand rather than to make wrong. What happens to a mind divided? It can break. So what happens to a world? I would say the same. But who knows? 

So where is the light? It is in the depth.

They say the dark doesn’t drive away the dark — only light can do that. So where is the light? If we are to believe Inanna’s story, it is in the depth. In the moments where we leave the pretense behind and dare to be curious to look within to deeply understand.

It takes a revolution of consciousness to do this. It is not a walk in the park. It is not overnight. But perhaps there are other paths that have yet to be tried that can illuminate new ways to shine and find the light in the darkness. Ways that we have not seen before. Maybe that is the option in this moment we have not seen or been called to yet but will have the option to create or find.

Things cannot be changed that are hidden. We must see these things first. In soul psychology this is what happens when you are triggered. A part of you is coming up to be healed. To finally be reconciled, recognized, resolved, and transformed. You are ready to face it. Maybe that is what is happening for us all now, too. A collective triggering as a catalyst for collective awakening. That we’re being given an opportunity to truly face and see it.

A collective triggering as a catalyst for collective awakening.

The time horizon in the vast sea and range of change gives us some specifics.

One is the changing of the keys in 2027 with Human Design. The background collective energies shift from collective organization, cooperation, governed by bargains and agreements, and infrastructure towards a path of individualization, power, and awakening. It is the path of the Sleeping Phoenix. 

But there are two keys to this phoenix. First it has to wake up. I think this has been stirring and happening already (but will continue to do so). Second, for a phoenix to rise it must first burn into ash.

Like any underworld journey or myth of transformation or alchemy there is the disillusion and dissolving. The snake sheds its skin. The caterpillar enters the chrysalis. There is a letting go or burning away what once fit. That is not always a pretty process. So that is some of the context of what we’re facing in the rebirth. The letting go or death or fall before the winter.

The cycles and mythologies of nature can be incredible guiding posts on the path for us individually and collectively. They can help us wayfind and sensemake our way through great change. Change that isn’t happening to us, but for us. Because our souls knew that we came here now to usher in or see a new era. We just have to have the courage to see it through and build it. To go through the chrysalis (or fire) to make new choices and become it. To alchemize the material within. 

Will we?

That is the work I am up to. And I hope you will join me.

Our souls came here to usher in a new era. We just have to have the courage to see it through and build it.

What’s only possible in navigating and embracing winter or the dark?

Darkness is also a path of being in the mystery and the void of creation. The womb.

In some ways, the dark is the only place transformation happens. 

I believe we are being called to get and be good and comfortable with and to be able to navigate the unknown and the dark. And yet, collectively, we are scared of the night, the dark, the uncontrollable, and the unknown.

We have to get good at navigating the dark, so we can birth the light.

The true spark is always within. We already are and hold the spark and the light. We just have to awaken to it. The darkness is just the catalyst often for us to find and reclaim it.  

We have to get good at navigating the dark — what we can encounter in the unknown — so we can birth the light.

The fire is always within. Fire is often seen or known as the soul. The essence of who we are, the truth of what we are here for, the expansive truth of who we are. And we are being called to recognize and eliminate everything that is not true to us and that. 

In our collective winter and rebirth, and these great galactic seasons, we can learn much from the moth, cocoon, and alchemy. That there is opportunity for transformation and creation here if we just seize it. To reclaim, rebirth, and reimagine the the light and the new. To successfully know and learn how to navigate the darkness. To understand and embrace soul and the transformative processes of the psyche and nature. 

Meeting the Moment: Understanding Prophecy

How I found prophecy…or rather how prophecy found me.

I was studying and mapping cycles of time and transformation. Specifically looking at the I Ching and the seasons and a whole lot more. 

Whereas we think time is linear — our growth actually spirals up or down in a cycle. I was mapping this cycle.

Anyway, there were two things happening around this time. 

1 — I was asking / wondering what if there’s more to climate change. Are we just doomed to hit a cliff and that’s it? I felt there had to be something else. 

2 — A book kept pinging and coming up. The second time I heard it again in as many days I downloaded a sample of it and began reading. 

I couldn’t put the book down. 

Here’s what I found out…

There are these major cycles of time from many different cultures all across the world that line up now. (You already know this.)

They speak about being on a precipice of change. Of ending one era to the next. But that precipice isn’t always a smooth transition. In fact it rarely, if ever, is. (It is often destructive and marks the change of one world age to the next.)

And while the spiritual communities want to speak to ascension and the golden age, the rise of the 5D, I don’t think we get there in a blink of an eye. And I don’t think anyone is coming to save us. 

I don’t think either of those answers—pure joy or pure terror—fully explains the options we have before us—or what I’ve been shown. 

As you know, I think we’re going through an awakening portal. 

Some of us will not be called to go to the other side. 

Some of us will be called to hold a vision of light.  

Some of us will be the ones who meet the moment and make it happen. 

That is the third way I believe is missing in these conversations. 

That our path forward into rising consciousness isn’t guaranteed. It never is. You have to be willing to do the work and to stick it out. To hold the vision and the light — but to also meet what comes up and comes with all of this. 

Because what comes up, comes up to be examined and transformed — not ignored. And that takes a different kind of resolve or strength. It’s not just the mental capacity and fortitude to live in the light. It’s the capacity to be the light and meet what comes.

Some of us will be the ones who meet the moment and make it happen. 

Why is it important to talk about prophecy?

I find it’s important to talk about or reference prophecy because, it:

  • Illustrates the importance of the moment, opportunity, and stakes — so we know why and what we’re here for
  • Changes the playing field and degree of change — exponentially — and allows us to understand the interconnectedness and huge scope of what can happen now
  • Changes what we need to be prepared for, and expands the scope of reference — it expands our sense of what’s possible beyond just the “probable”
  • Changes how we think about what’s next — that it’s not just more tech or global change, that there is more at stake and play here
  • Gives us context on the moment we’re in — so we can be oriented in the midst of great change
  • Is another set of data in addition to what we already know or can sense is unfolding — and expands our awareness of possibility, so that we can think further than the box even allows
  • Heightens our sense of change; it’s not predictable — and it helps us think about the chance and edge events or occurrences that can happen and have devastating consequences, with ways to prepare, plan, or strategize around them

It also gives a different context to everything going on, whether that’s…

  • Climate Change
  • Tech
  • Money
  • Inequality
  • Societal Collapse
  • Systems Tenuousness 
  • Your Purpose 
  • Being Here Now
  • Our Choices 
  • How we show up and move forward

And recontextualizes why and how it’s happening now. It expands our sense of the playing field. Or the size and scope of the field we’re on in the first place.

Because as much as climate change, or any global situation is a BFD, this heightens all of it—it adds it all together combined with an exponential element, and shows us the full scale and scope of what we’re truly facing and dealing with.

Each of these on their own is a whole thing, but all together, plus a level of global initiation and evolution (that we may or may not choose to face or survive)? That is something else entirely. It’s not just thinking we’re playing chess, but we’re playing checkers—we’re playing a multidimensional quantum reality game of life. All situations, all potentials, all realities, all choices—all at once. But it’s all the same “game.”

The Wide Spectrum of Prophecy and Possibility for What’s Next

I think this time doesn’t just call for one or the other end of the spectrum—it calls for another path, a third that faces both and is in some ways in the middle of the two—peril and promise.

Often when I see this conversation, it is anchored wholly in possibility and potential and all of the good to come—or wholly in the nothing good is going to happen camp. Rarely, do I see it as the path of being equipped to meet and hold both.

We do this by not just focusing on the light and planting seeds of a vision, but also by being prepared to deal with any potential outcomes along the way. It’s about being wide-eyed about potential outcomes, the full spectrum of scenarios and possibilities, and being aware or equipped to deal with them, good or bad, within and without. This is where the spiritual meets the strategic. There are practical things to take care of and address, to have plans and structures in place for, along with focusing on, creating, and calling in what you want.

This requires a different capacity to be able to hold and meet both ends equally. To recognize there can be turbulence as part of the path, that there are ways to choose what, if anything, you want to be prepared for, and to recognize that this is the very moment we get to plant the seeds of what’s next.

This takes real and new skills—internally and externally—to be able to be spiritually aligned, informed, and empowered as well as practically equipped, trained, prepared to walk in and meet a changing world. I speak to more of these specifically below.

We don’t know what’s coming—but we can be prepared and equipped to handle almost anything. And you do that through alignment and intuition. Connecting to wisdom, forces, and awareness greater than just your mind, your experience, yourself. Because we cannot fully anticipate the unknown, unless we’re connected to the forces that can see beyond ourselves and are found in the unseen.

Because we cannot fully anticipate the unknown, unless we're connected to the forces that can see beyond ourselves and are found in the unseen.

What happens if you just focus on the light and encounter shit? You might not be prepared. Often, in the individual journey, people get discouraged or taken off path. They give up and don’t even try before they begin. This is why you need to be equipped or prepared to meet whatever may come—prepared in both the internal and external senses.

I am called to write this because I often see people talk about this on either end of the spectrum — rather than how to meet it, the full potential and peril, head on. This is not something I am eager to address either, but the consequences of not addressing it at all are much too vast and severe to risk.

There are fantasies of ascension and light and love, and there are equally fantasies about complete and utter disaster and destruction. Honestly, I think what happens is largely up to our collective consciousness, awakening, and resulting manifestation, but that isn’t predictable—it flips on a switch or a dime. So, instead, we can do our best with ourselves, influence what we are called to influence, show up how we are called, play our role, create how we are called to create, and be prepared for whatever may evolve, emerge, or change. And we can create together—and plant the seeds of a vision we want to see now and to come.

Some are entering a different sphere of reality, and some are regressing into an old idea of how the world should be and trying to struggle to regain control in a world that is uncontrollable—and only wildly will be more so.

There will be choices to make if you are called to this path for yourself and those you love, for your community, or beyond. 

We need to assemble those who are called to shape and create and usher in this new reality—the leaders, creators, and builders of the future. Old paradigm leadership—in charge and control. New paradigm leadership—those who hold and create light for a new way.

The old world is dying. The new is being born. But nothing is guaranteed to transform.

That’s why we’re needed, and why we are here now. And why things are getting wildly kicked up.

My role with prophecy is at the intersection of the two views. I already bridge and bring together multiple worlds—systems and soul, strategy and spiritual guidance. Data and prophecy. Now it’s time to bridge the intersection of prophetic possibility—what sits between the absolute best and absolute devastation? Meeting the moment. Preparation. Open, clear sight. Aligned path walking. Being able to find, create, hold, transmute, and manifest the light in the dark. Being those who walk a different path—the warrior path—the path to create and meet and survive and alchemize. This path is about the warrior within, standing and meeting what comes, being true to vision, and being true to what you believe in.

We each have our own old paradigms to shed within and without. We have participated in the worlds we have belonged to, but we don’t have to belong to or be beholden to those old ways and ideas of thinking of who we have to be, or how the world has to be. We get to build a new one.

Business as unusual — the time we live in

Much of the technology that is emerging now is what I would qualify as exponential and nuclear. Nuclear in the sense it is reactive, explosive, and irrevocable. Like a nuclear fire, that can exponentially spin out of control—it is at a whole new scale, precedent, and level we have yet to truly even grasp. Like we wouldn’t play with nuclear fire, we really should be considering what is driving this “innovation” to begin with, and what its resulting goal and outcome is—beyond shareholder value and “economic growth.” There won’t be an economy if the world, or us, doesn’t exist.

I do believe progress can be aligned—but we have to look at the source and reason, the consciousness, of where it comes from, not just the assumed benefits. Because often the source of these measures and ideas of progress, are rooted in the very things we will be called to face in this time of great change.

This is where we need to heal the mental wounds of separation, dominance, control, extraction, exploitation, and sacrifice. The very foundation of the systems of exchange we call capitalism and our economics currently operate on and were founded from. This is the very thing that we need to alchemize and heal for what’s next, so its tentacles can be resolved and not return. If we do not deal with these issues at the root—in our systems, minds, and our communities—they will find new ways to flourish. 

This is a powerful time of alchemy—of turning what was into something new. Healing and coming into wholeness rather than ignoring and making bad. It’s time for integrating and transforming. Alchemizing. 

Reclaiming parts of us lost to broken systems, bodies, minds, fear, and wounds.

By examining where and why these things have existed in the first place—the terror of what they were founded on: the ideas that life is unequal, that we can only survive through dominance vs equality, that we have to take what we need, that life is hard, unfair, that only the strong survive, that life and the world is scarce versus abundant, etc—can we truly see why we have allowed them to flourish. There is some part of us lingering in or buying into these false premises and ideals that we have to do things in this way or else we’ll be left behind. When in reality, if we keep doing things this way, nature or our own destructive vices will come for us first. 

This is just one element on top of the many cliffs we are facing now that are existential dangers to our way of life. Cliffs that we cannot or will have a hell of time attempting to come back from. Look at the latest tech or media trends—why are people collectively opting into them? What’s the belief? Is it really progress or the fear of being left behind? And when you look at these forms of “progress” (“progress without consciousness” like the last 2,000+ years of “development”—materially vs morally), they are built on the same horrible tenants these entire broken systems have been built on—extraction, devaluing life and earth, the pillaging and exploitation of bodies, people, creation, and minds, the gross over misuse of earth’s abundance, the rampant outpacing of resources, the cheapness of progress, competitive delusion, stolen goods, ideas, and lands, and the sacrifice of our collective minds, bodies, souls for the “bottom dollar.”

Really examine your choices. Everything—every little thing in this world has energy and consciousness—including the very technology, progress, ideals, institutions, and beings that make up life as we know it. All of the very things we can see—and can’t—have greater forces often behind them. Be aware of what you’re actually feeding, participating, and working with. There is so much more to everything than what is seen.

What We Can Do — A Framework and Vision for Navigating Forward

So what can we / you do?

I do not think prophecy is as much about doomed outlook as it is about being prepared. 

We need new skills and new ways of navigating and creating in a world where the old ways no longer and continue to not work.

We need new skills and new ways of navigating and creating in a world where the old ways no longer and will continue to not work. The old models will no longer apply—or will be broken.

How do you navigate when the rules cease to exist? We are moving beyond the bounds of normal and predictable into a volatile, ever- and quickly changing world. 

People often looking for or desire answers in this conversation. What do we do? I have a vision of what this time is calling us to and a working framework for navigating and making our way forward, but the true headline is this—we are here to co-create what we want to be, and that takes each of us doing what we are here to do, becoming and being who we are here to be. 

There is no one size fits all answer in a world that will come to be defined by emergence and potential individuality—where we can each be who we truly are. And yet, I believe, there can be some form of unity in a world where we can and are each called to be ourselves. This is the foundation of the work I do with Anumaura—creating and developing tools, systems, and support to find and define your path—and live and become it.

And that path to us each being who and what we came here to be, will light the fire for us to collectively become who and what is possible beyond our wildest dreams—and to build it.

A new framework for navigating and co-creating a new world

Here’s the framework and vision of what I am speaking to — Aurora: a system and vision for a new dawn — a whole new way to navigate and create our world forward.

Aurora a new dawn logo

The five keys

There are five keys to navigate forward. I’ll preview them now, but I go into more depth with additional tools and tips in my free Tools for the Times E Magazine.

1. Choose + Plan

The first is to understand the times we are living in—aka The Tectonic Times. By recognizing that everything will be shifting, we can come up with scenarios, plans, and ways of navigating to find our role, to choose what we want to be here for and how to face it, to know what to do when things change, and to chart our way forward individually and collectively. We can choose, prepare, and game plan. There will be choices to make about these scenarios, how you want to prepare for them, and who you are called to prepare for (yourself, family, community, beyond). This equally corresponds to how you want to see and support your visions and the seeds you are planting or supporting in the world, so you can see them through. We do this so we are able to deal with what comes up, have access to what we need, and can game plan accordingly—so we can be here for what we want, and not stress out about it if needed.

2. Internal + Intuitive Navigation 

The second is to recognize that because we live in a changing and shifting world, we can no longer rely on the same senses or sources of information we once did. That things will be altering before our very eyes, whether that’s rules that no longer work, assumptions or models of prediction that once did, or understanding things externally without tuning into our internal senses for what’s true, real, and relevant for us. That’s why we need to be equipped with our own abilities to navigate internally (and beyond) and to recognize through our extra sensory perception, resonance, and other intuitive faculties about what’s really true, relevant, or not. These are tools and abilities we can develop that go beyond the mind or normal ways of evaluating information or the world around us, to the deeper, unseen, hidden layers of information that can guide or reveal more than we can consciously know just by looking at something on the surface. This also allows you to open up your channels of receptivity and communication, so you can be in contact with your guides and trusted sources.

3. Vision-Driven

The third is that we must be vision driven, and not be susceptible to falling into the gloom and despair of what is no longer real, true, or what no longer works, is falling, and breaking apart or whatever happens.

Spiritual wisdom often teaches there is opportunity in change or destruction, as hard as that can be in the moment to accept. You can often find that there can be some glimmer of hope or truth to it. Often much later.

Also, by focusing on what we want, we can create more of what we want, which might seem simplistic, delusional, or illusionary, but in doing that, we actually are giving more attention, energy, credence, creation, and value to what we’re building and focusing on rather than on what is falling apart or being destroyed. We are contributing to and focusing on what we want to see.

Often when we focus on or fear what we don’t want, we create it—or more of it. See 2020. We manifest (create from the unseen to the seen or idea into form) both individually and collectively. Not all people have a role in everything, but many of us often do. I was told through my friend, the channel Vince Kramer, who channeled our higher guides and divine sources known as the collective The Round Table, that if we fear something or are reactive to it, we often had a role in calling that in for our collective evolutionary path. You can also read more about this with the circumstances surrounding World War 2 in the book Conversations with God.

4. Purpose + Path

The fourth is that we each have our own role and reason for being here in this time and so through systems like Anumaura we can find and tune in and be directed or find resonance with what those roles and reasons are. This is an individual process as it is to discover your purpose, fulfillment, and meaning, but there is some reason you are here now at this time. And these sorts of systems can help you tune to that which can be its own guiding force on the path. Through that, we can not only create what we want to see and are here for, but can have a ripple effect to the world around us through our energy, actions, example, and impact.

5. Alignment 

The last is that we need to be able to have integrity and I find the best way to do this is what I call ADR: alignment, discernment, and resonance—so we know and recognize what is for us and what is not, what is true to us in our path and what is not, and what can lead us on our way into our next steps.

Not everybody agrees or will find the same answers or solace or comfort or direction in the same things. Nor do they have to. Not all tools or ideas are right for everyone. Our paths are unique to us alone. Everything is individual so this is the way to find out what that direction or solutions are best for you.

I also find by doing this you keep your channel and perception of truth stronger and more internally fortified than relying on outside forces, distractions or illusions or desires of the ego, which is what got us in this mess in the first place. This is the work of being a clear channel—both getting and clearing your own stuff out of the way, and staying clear and true through how you listen, what actions you take, and how you live your life in alignment.


Together these five keys create the navigation system and vision called Aurora. This system is there to help us envision, live into, navigate, build, and welcome a new dawn for us all—just as the sun passes over us into the night it rises again, heralding a new day. This is the dawn we get to welcome and co-create nowa world where we can each live into our full potential, individually and collectively—and these are the five steps to help us do that on our own and together.

The ultimate visions and creations we will create may or may not be here yet. We may still be receiving these ideas, solutions, and creations. But the way we can each do that is by finding our path, honing and following our vision, staying true to who we are and what is best for us, being able to listen and see beyond what is there, and choosing and planning for what may come. These are the internal and external skills that we can each build from and on to find and hone our own path, spiritual skills and gifts, and purpose at this time.

What is the ultimate opportunity and vision?

We are here to redefine what is possible on this planet, for humanity, and each of us, and all life, at this time, as we enter through a portal of rebirth. It is not guaranteed—we can not make it or we can be reborn anew, we can accelerate and ascend into something totally different, and / or we can redefine our potential, but it will require us to transform into our essence—not our illusion. Essence = soul, not ego and materialism and technology. Technology may and likely has an aligned place in a soul-informed / aligned world, but it’s not as the primary reason we do everything for. 

Soul Skills

What we are talking about takes more than we have seen or consciously know. It will take a force greater than ourselves to navigate, survive, make it through, and thrive. 

That is why soul support and perspective is essential to this work. Because it is far beyond where the mind dares to travel. Or can travel on its own. Because it is a journey only the soul can navigate and know. 

It takes soul skills for this work—that is the founding principle of Aurora and Anumaura. To equip you with the skills that are actually able help us navigate and find our way in the unknown—or beyond the known.

And it takes more than what we can do on our own. It takes soul power, insight, senses, and tools. It takes connection to the greater forces of the world that are there to support us always and especially now. It takes the super sensory or what is known as intuition. But it also takes an awareness of the potential path ahead — and choosing what you want to do about it. This is not as simple of a process as read one article and be ready to go. It takes work internally and externally. This path isn’t always easily believable, but as things have unfolded over this past year and as I’ve learned more, I continue to see what has been predicated echoed in the world. I am personally learning to continue to trust where and why I’ve been called to speak about all of this and include it in my work. 

While this is just a peek at what might be on the horizon, I hope this has started to get you oriented, and helps you start with your own preparation and decision process. There are things you can do, and my hope is you find what is yours specifically to do. We — you and me — are here now because we have a choice. Because we get to create the world we want to see. 

Call to action / arms — new leaders for a new world

New leaders for a new world

You may already lead in some way, or you may not at all. You may already vision or create in some way—or not at all. But you know you’re not satisfied with the way things are, and want to create and usher in something better. 

Here are the things you can do — find your path, find your people. Get prepared and make a plan. Decide what is yours to do—and what is not. Decide how you will deal with things as they come up. Get equipped with spiritual and soul skills / intuitive navigation as you are called to. Anchor into and receive or create your vision for yourself, family, community, work, and world. Have tools to discern what is and isn’t aligned for you. Figure out how you are called to make change, hold a different frequency or possibility for the world, and figure out what you are called to contribute to or build. This time is a call to arms, and a call to possibility. We need you. We need your light, your thinking, and your way.

The Old English and Proto-Germanic origins and definition of lead means “to guide,” to “go before as a guide, accompany and show the way, carry on, sprout forth, bring forth.”

We need people who are ready to light a new way forward. I would love to support and meet you if that’s you. We’re going to need each other, to be lights together, and for others, as we move forward and find and light new ways through.

I see this as the time of the seed people (a concept from astrologer Dane Rudhyar).

We are here to plan the seeds of what’s next. To envision and dream and believe in what’s possible—what we’re truly here for and capable of individually and collectively. To take us far beyond the world that has been, and to envision and build one that has never been before.

We each have our own unique skills, perspectives, and reasons for being here now. That is our individual path of discovery, calling, and purpose. There are ways to get clear on this and I would love to support you, either through my dedicated partnerships and 1:1 work, or through coming workshops and resources. Know you can follow and listen for what’s yours through both ADR (alignment, discernment, resonance) and curiosity. See what strikes for you and what won’t leave you alone. That’s a major clue that there is something there for you.

Hopefully you have some new clarity and food for thought on what you can do next. If you want my direct support or more specific guidance for you, your visions, dreams, your situation, you can find out more about working with me here, to get clear on the moment you’re in, your path, what’s next, to apply Aurora to your own life, or get access to and learn more about The Tools for These Times.

If you also want to stay posted on the resources I’m developing and what’s next you can do that here. I plan to have other community gatherings, teachings, workshops, etc. More to come.

With so much love, thanks for reading. I’d love to hear your thoughts, what questions you have, and what resonated for you.

All my best,


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hello, i'm lea

I'm the HPIC, co-creator, and channel of Anumaura. I'm also an initiated shamanic priestess, trained strategist, and spiritual guide and mentor.

Bridging together the worlds of spirituality, soul, and strategy, I'm here to help you live and discover your own Soul Gold in this incredible time of change.

Let's begin shall we...

Take the first step in the grandest adventure of your life—yet.
The world of soul, of magic, of depth, fulfillment, purpose, and meaning is waiting for you.