It’s interesting. I’ve written all of this content and it still doesn’t feel like I have a proper intro. So here goes…
I’d like to introduce you to this work, to me, to my new understanding and approach of this work and world at this time, where I see we’re headed, and what I see is needed.
There’s a lot so let’s see how far we get in unpacking all of it.
Answering the Call—My Spiritual Path

I heard the call for spiritual work and my path as I was graduating college. You’ll hear and learn more about this story later, but essentially I knew I needed to do two things — start yoga and go to a rave.
Those are literally my first steps on my spiritual path and journey a little under 20ish years ago.
That unfolding took sometime to take shape and for those flames to fan into the steady fire and sight that burns within me today. Along the way, I picked up books on Buddhism and inner power, I continued to connect with yoga, I went to many festivals, and, eventually, I dove all in.
This dovetailed with my search for my own purpose and path. While things didn’t work out exactly as I wanted when I graduated, I was taken into an entirely different direction — back to Vegas, my home and where I grew up.
This had lots of blessings and quite a few bruises. I lived there in the boom of club life and had the lifestyle and fun to show for it. Electronic music and festivals will always be in my DNA. I used to joke that my new church became Anjunabeats sets at TAO Beach on Sundays.
(Turns out this literally lines up with my lifecycle and phase in my Vedic Dasha at the time.)
Eventually, that call and hunger for more and to find my place in the world came to a peak, and I continued to attend talks in downtown Vegas which led me to a wondrous world of connections, insight, and possibility. I started my personal development path and got into the futurist community, which lead me toward social impact and change. I was always looking for how to make a difference in the world, and here I found the largest scale of considering and looking at change, impact, and systems there is.
That path led me toward a dream job in San Francisco. I knew I needed to leave Vegas (this was all around the time of my Saturn Return, that pivotal quarter life crisis turning point), and was searching for where to go next on my journey.
In SF I lived in this insanely beautiful community of 20-some of us. (Yes, literally 20+ people in one home. To be fair, it was a church rectory and the previous church had now become a roller disco next door. And, yes, the raving and music were not far at all.)
While I was in SF, it was the 50th anniversary of the Summer of Love and the Black Panther Party. To see the impact and imprint and history of those movements left an impression on me and my perspective in the world. There was another turning and level of awakening here to the reality of our systems and a new perspective on activism and potential that took root in new ways.
My community was also somewhat like a spiritual home. This planted the seeds for my work with the goddess and the divine feminine (who I later realized came to visit me at Burning Man – a story for another time), for building a new relationship and recognition to and with my power, and for opening the door to all the spiritual interests I wanted to pursue. Later would I realize how vital this is and was for me, but the seeds were planted and nurtured here.

From there, I would go on to Colorado — where my spiritual work anchored and flourished in entirely new ways. By some stroke of coincidence or luck, this was where the work I would do to become an initiated shamanic priestess happened. This was where I studied and invested in developing my skills around inner change and launched my coaching business. Still unbeknown to me that it was laying the track for my spiritual work all along.
Eventually that became the primary work and view that I approach everything in my life and world from, my spiritual roots — connecting all the dots that were there all along — social science, foresight, systems thinking and change and impact work, with strategy, marketing, coaching, business, communication, and eventually the awareness I have now about the times we live in.
My time in Colorado and starting my coaching work was / is now 6+ years ago. It has been a long journey and path depending on where you count from to find my way — in one way it took 16+ years and in another it took almost 40.

I share this because the dots connect backwards not forwards.
Because I had to follow my curiosity and trust what spoke to me each step of the way to get to where I am now.
Because it was and is a journey taken one step at a time, even if and now, when I am more spiritually equipped with more intuitive and navigational tools than ever before.
My Spiritual Views (and Gifts) have evolved
Overtime, my spiritual views have evolved and developed in many paths and ways. I was raised Catholic, loved and still love what I find in Eastern texts, in Buddhism, Tantra, and Hindu literature—as well as Taoism, the I Ching, and so much more. My spiritual lineage in some ways is very much anchored in the divine feminine, in the goddess, in the reclamation of that path and that perspective and energetic imprint on the world. That is one of the core anchors of the priestess lineages I have been trained in, and the gods and goddesses are both very much apart of my daily life and work. They are not just figures—they are friends, protectors, and constant companions. The gods are very much alive.
As is the big G God—who I know by many names, Spirit, the Universe, Creator, Divine Intelligence, and more. Anchoring back into God this past year as a being I can directly converse and sit with each day has been essential to take teachings not just from an abstract sense of benevolence, which is where I think a lot of manifestation work can go off board, but to anchor into this force that can be known and is always there for you—no matter what you call it or identify with it as.

I have studied universal law, trained in the Akashic Records, have opened to my many and varied psychic and shamanic gifts which continue to evolve and expand all of the time.
My path has taken me by surprise in many ways, because I had absolutely no idea any of this was in store.
Sure, I knew I was empathic in some ways, but I really didn’t open to anything until I started on and down this road.
I believe everyone is intuitive—I have seen it time and again, we just haven’t been taught how to lean into or to recognize these gifts, and to be able to be supported to let them fully flourish. We often have one leading gift, before others can start to show up along the way.
I say all of this because I think the spiritual path is largely individual and unique. I think there are core tenants and values—like care for all of life—that I believe in and structure my life, work, and vision I hold for the world around. To be good and do good. To care about each other and not just yourself. To believe and create more than what we currently know to be possible. To aim for our best days ahead—and not just the challenging. Which brings me to prophecy.
Prophecy found me and I found it a little over a year ago. Yes, in spiritual communities, by and large we all identify with this as a time of tremendous change. But the actual context of that? I didn’t truly know until I read about it.
Even the futurists are tracking the many layers of change happening now, and because of that these perspectives–—of impact, systems, soul, spiritual, astrological, and more—all converge together. I can see this from the strategic and foresight and planning place, from the data, as well as from the mythology and prophecy. It’s all there and it often all converges and lines up.
I think the difficulty with this conversation is that we live in a reality where time is constantly formed and reformed, experienced and re-experienced. In just your life alone, you have multiple possibilities of timelines and realities you can live—and these are often dictated by choice.
There are many layers to all of this—how to be prepared, if you want to, how to manifest and vision and focus on and co-create what you want, how to be spiritually equipped to deal with the challenges and opportunities ahead, how to make moment to moment decisions, and so much more. This is what I speak about a bit in my Tools for These Times e-magazine as I preview the framework, systems, tools, and concepts that can help with this.
But the main headline is this: we get to choose—and we get to shape and build the reality of what is to come. We are co-creators, and even though we may be up for a lot of change, just like there can be in the soul journey, awakening, and spiritual process, there is good here for us and we get to choose how we make it through—and what vision we’re aiming for and creating.
I have found frustration with what I often encounter in these conversations.
You can find people who are off their rockers. You can find people who are just surrendering to the process—even though they know what’s to come—their choice and advice is to just live your path, roll over and take it. (F that.) Then there are those who are only focused on the light, who believe maybe some benevolent force will come and save us, who think we’ll figure this shit out last minute. Which to me, I always bring up the question—where are you going to get your water? Like there are literal imminent things we have to figure out in some of these situations and scenarios, and if you’re not prepared, well, I guess we’ll see.
And then there is what I am proposing—which is that we meet the moment. Time and time again I have asked my guides about all of this, asked God, trying to understand why this is my specific path. I think there are some reasons, but I provide a whole other pathway through all of this—which is to meet what comes, not to succumb to it, but to be prepared, and to be ready and able to plant the seeds for what’s next. We get to choose where we focus, what parts we are called to participate in, where our energy and vision goes. Some people may choose to be more focused short term—some may be more long term like me. Either way, we have to get where we’re going.
I’ve sat with not talking about this at all. But I think this is so fundamental to how I view where we’re at, what is already happening and unfolding in the world, and why we’re all being called into purpose now, that I think it’s the price of entry. The FYI this is what I believe, this is where I come from, and this is what we’re doing. You in?
I also am aware there is the chance none of this happens. And to that I say awesome. I would rather be wrong than right in this situation. I would rather us build cool solutions and ideas anyway, and have no extreme scenarios play out. But then I ask myself what if I am right, and I didn’t speak to this? Didn’t do anything about it? Then that would be the greatest regret of not just my life—but the lifetimes I have spent here on earth. Because this is not my first rodeo.
I speak to these things casually now because they are ingrained and familiar with how I’ve come to understand myself and the context of my life and what I’ve seen, received, and experienced in transmission, vision, shamanic, and meditative practice. But, as you red above, none of this started this way. It started with one step at a time, following the next right step, listening for what called, had resonance, had light for me, and just trusting as I went along. This path often unfolds that way, even if we can “see things”— we don’t get the whole picture, often because it’s going to change or would be overwhelming. We get the next step, and the next and the next. So the best I can do with this work is to prepare you, to set you on your path, to get connected to your soul, to be spiritually and intuitively equipped, and to be so enlivened by your vision that you truly know what you are here for—and help you build it if that is what you are here to do.
There is often a parallel between the inner and the outer, both in our lives and in the world. I see what’s ahead as a mirrored journey to the individual awakening process—and instead it’s collective. If you’ve done any kind of inner work, healing, or spiritual journeying, you likely know it is not all roses and rainbows and butterflies. They are all on the path—but the path requires facing the very things that hold us back from our rainbows. And the rainbows only come after the rain.

My vision
I have been told to focus on my vision—and not what can just happen or go wrong. To stay oriented toward my vision. Yes, there needs to be preparation or being equipped or responding to things happening if and when they do, in whatever way is aligned for me with the world around me. But vision is key. And I believe this is key for all of us.

A peek of my vision is this: I think we are capable of more than we have ever imagined.
I have experienced and live magic in my daily life (and I’m not scared to call it magic—because it is magical and divine).
We are capable of so much more when we tune into and embrace and align with the power of our souls. We are first souls and non-physical beings—which means we have capabilities that go far beyond the body or just the mind. We haven’t even tapped into all of this yet. And when we do, in an aligned way for the highest and greatest good of all beings and living life (not just humanity), we can unlock entirely new ways of living and being in reality. New systems, new solutions, new innovations, new technology, new heightened incredible levels of bliss—beyond anything we’ve known or dreamed before.
That is the future that is possible, waiting, and ready for us to focus on, to build, to become. Not because there is change on the horizon, not because we’re totally doing something wrong—but because that is our destiny as divine embodied beings—to be more than we’ve ever thought possible, to align with our true power and gifts and goals and soul, and to bring and birth that magic into the world now and next. When we live from this place, there is so much good and power available to and for us all—and a whole new world can truly be born.
That is the work I do now—and the vision and focus of why I do it. To birth a world whose time has come. To call us into a new and next level of what we are truly here for and capable of—and not get lost in the sauce of how things are today. We can be more. We are created for more. We are capable of it—and it’s time we started acting like it.
The time is now. Will you join me? I’d love to take you on the adventure of a lifetime. It’s just beginning. The train is moving—and its your time to get on.
P.S. Soundtrack for this adventure candidate:
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