I’m…coming out. Into my mystic, shamanic, futurist self.
I think they’ve all been parts that have been lingering around and there for sometime, but I’m officially announcing to the world and throwing a Purpose and Coming Out Party. And you’re invited.

What does this party entail?
Me sharing my perspectives, gifts, tools, and what I see as next over the next few weeks with you—all with gifts for you to try out, too.
It’s a way of celebrating all that I’ve learned and all that I’ve become, and sharing some of this world that has been happening and developing behind the scenes for over a decade now.
Yes, some of this has been there and been obvious—but I’ve never said all the things I think or work on outloud. Until now.
What will be different is that I’ll be sharing more of how I see things, the work I really do and have been developing, and the secret not-so-secret gifts and mystical paths I walk in this world—and have walked for lifetimes. (Surprise?! Or not.)
My path surprised me, too.
I never would’ve thought this is where I would end up or would be doing. And yet, of course, in some ways, it makes sense. All the dots connect backwards, even if I couldn’t see where they were going or would end up.
The reason I am called to share this work, these gifts, this perspective, and tools with you now is because it is time.
It is time because the world is rapidly changing. And from what my guides have indicated, we are in for a whole new ride.

Of course, this is nothing new.
We live in a time of prophesy.
That is both exciting and down right terrifying.
But the thing is we, our souls, collectively and individually all chose to be here now.
We came for a reason.
Whether it was to get out the popcorn and watch it unfold, or to be the architects of what is to come. That is what I am here for—and sense you could be, too.
We live in a time where we get to reshape and craft reality.
Where the way the world has always worked, will cease to exist. To what degree, and over what timeline and how is all tbd. Reality rapidly forms and shifts and recreates based on everyone’s choices and thoughts day to day, microsecond and moment to moment.
It matters less the specifics and more about the vision and the path we each choose to chart and walk now.
Will we become and build what we wish to see? Or will we succumb to what we don’t want?

There is no creation without destruction.
And while disruption is quite difficult, there can be divinity and blessings within it.
New seeds can be planted.
New fields and ideas can be tended. Just like in nature, there are only certain things that can sprout or are born when the worst disasters occur. We’ll see if that is what seeds we get to birth now—or not.
This work is wild and fascinating and daunting and magical.
It can both feel like crazy making (is this really real?) and yet I see the signs of everything unfolding everyday.
The key here is to not get caught up on the old and the effects already playing out in our life before us like a movie, and instead to be vision focused and driven—to create the new that is possible now and in our lifetimes.
As you can imagine, this takes work and practice. It takes skill. This is some of what I’ve been developing these last 10+ years, and really, throughout my entire purpose journey, because walking a path that isn’t seen but is of the soul is not something that is advertised or talked about in schools.

It is a rare path, but many are called and being called to walk it now.
This is who this work is for, and what I’ve been being prepared to do.
I would love to have you join me on this journey.
My first gift to you is my Tools for These Times e-magazine.
It comes in 3 parts and shares 5 key concepts that can help you reorient and navigate now, as well as context about what I see happening and what is so significant about this time, and why and how many of us are hearing the call to purpose, to meaning, to become and do more.
Yes, the world isn’t always what we want it to be, even though there is still beauty here everyday.
But we live in a time of transition, because we get to create what’s next—not just be upset about what’s no longer here, what’s never worked, and what’s ready to change.
Are you with me?
I hope you’ll join me.
There is such good here for you—such potential.
This path is magical, powerful, unpredictable, and beautiful.
Know if you’re feeling a pull, a call, even a dissatisfaction, it is for a good reason now— and there’s so much more to come.
There is a way forward.
Whether you decide to explore that with the resources and tools I share (there will be more each week published here and emailed), or you do that by following your own curiosity and nose, start now. Start small. Just start. Take one step towards what’s been calling you, or ask your guides to show you a way. There is so much support for us now that we can’t even imagine or see or know—but it’s there waiting. All you have to do is ask.
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