The worlds I bridge and bring together


December 22, 2024

Hi, I'm Lea

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Tell me more!


Anumaura is a Soul System that maps your soul essence or gold across Astrology, Human Design, and Gene Keys into one new map and system of synthesis — Anumaura. Anumaura helps you unlock and discover your purpose, what's next, what you're here for, and what's going on in your life.
It is the System of Soul.
It is the System of You.

Anumaura is emerging now to help us navigate and find our way forward in the unique time we live in. It is built on the idea that we are each here for a reason, now.
What's yours?




Welcome to the World of Soul. Welcome to Anumaura.
I discuss my latest ideas in
Soul Systems, Purpose, and the Tectonic Times we're living in.

This is the work I’d never thought I’d do—and yet, it’s the work I am uniquely equipped to.

If you ever asked me in my life, if this was the place I’d thought I’d be I’d never tell you yes.

Where I thought I’d end up

When I was growing up, I thought I wanted to get into politics, to become president someday. 

Those dreams were confronted in my first years at college—where I saw through what I see as the fallacy of the political system as a meaningful way to make change.

I went on to drift into a career I fell into—after the one I thought I was going into fell apart. 

I thought I was going into fashion, that evaporated with the 2008 stock market. I fell into casinos, and casino marketing and that was my career while I “figured things out.”

That gave me time to explore other things—like how ideas travel through mass consciousness, which eventually lead me toward trend forecasting and its more robust and serious counterpart strategic foresight.

Foresight and futurism were and are my first intellectual loves. In some ways they carried through the threads of social and political science from college, and expanded upon them greatly.

The futurist community is where I found my intellectual home and had my first intellectual awakening—an awakening of and to the challenges we are truly facing at this time, and the opportunities that come with. That was over 10 years ago.

In my journey since, I’ve been putting together the pieces and studying how do you make the most effective change. That led me into social impact and innovation, systems thinking, more strategy, and my role and training in San Francisco. 

In my time in SF, I lived in a community of 20+ of us centered around spiritual, social, and self transformation. We treated it a little bit like a first year graduate degree in spirituality. I was exposed to so much in that year, both from my community and their reflections for me, and in the anniversaries of the Summer of Love and Black Panther Party. 

These were and are the seeds that have planted into what’s next—what I see for the world, and what I am doing now.

Where we are now

We are on the precipice of (or depending who you talk to) deep into a transformational and revolutionary time for our planet, home, and all of life here on Earth.

You could talk to the Futurists and foresight community—and they would tell you about the promise and peril of the seismic shifts they’re tracking and orienting and preparing for, both from the technologies we are developing and not truly understanding, and for the greater forces unfolding that we have no control over (like our environment and social change).

You could talk to the spiritual and mystical communities—and they would tell you the veils are being lifted and we are about to enter one of the most significant shifts that our planet has ever experienced in these next few years—and beyond.

You could talk to those in the worlds of social change and activism—and they can tell you, if you’re not already reading it, about the very threads of the fabric of our reality and social contract that are fraying at the edges.

Here’s where I stand.

I sit at the intersection of all of these places—and more—and my work is about charting a new course forward in this time and beyond, for all life on this planet, now and into the future.

My work is about charting a new course forward in this time and beyond, for all life on this planet, now and into the future.

My perspective weaves together foresight and strategic thinking and systems change, with my training and sight as an intuitive, an initiated shamanic priestess, and mystic, with my background as a guide on the spiritual and transformational paths, and my abilities in the realms of human design, astrology, and gene keys to help people step onto their paths of purpose and soul and to answer the call that we are all here for now.

I work with both strategic and soul based tools as the Shamanic Strategist and Akashic Advisor helping people connect to their specific soul guidance in the Akashic Records and beyond. I help people find their way, when the old ways no longer work, and it’s time to build and discover both the ancient and new.

Because of this background and perspective, I bring a more rigorous view to seeing what is happening mystically, but am also able to bring a more mystical view to what is unfolding and largely unseen by the world.

I unite these perspectives because we are going to need new ways forward, new institutions, new supports in times of change and transition, and new visions of what’s possible as the world as we know deeply changes and shifts.

We are the time where we get to decide what is next.

No one else is coming.

We are the generations who signed up for this—to be here, to steward it, to see it through, and to birth what is possible and the generations to come to shepherd and build a different world.

We can either stay or attempt to stay in the illusion of how things been and are, or we can wake up to what is unfolding now, get equipped for the change now and changes ahead, and start to stand for what we believe in and build it.

Get equipped

If you’re interested in getting equipped and oriented for what is happening, I speak to this in my 3-part E-magazine, Tools for These Times.

You’ll learn a bit about what I see is needed, what tools and concepts can help you get and stay oriented, and how everything fits together. It’s an intro to these times now and ahead, and I’d love to share what I’ve learned over my rollercoaster ride on the spiritual path all these years.

My personal calling is to help us awaken to our true power and potential, and to build a world that reflects what we are truly capable of and here for.

Part of what I’ll be sharing over these next few weeks are stories from my path and tools that have helped me find my way. It’s a bit of a coming into purpose party for myself, and I’d love to share my perspective on the world, and what I have found to be helpful in stepping in and saying yes with you.

Stay tuned—there are more purpose gifts to come as I share some of what I have learned and what might be helpful for you, too.

Here’s to you. Here’s to your path. Here’s to the fact we get to be here now, and shape what is possible and is to come.

With love,


PS. Want to learn more about this “purpose party?” Check this out. 

PS2. Want to learn more about my journey with this work and my vision for the world? Read here

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hello, i'm lea

I'm the HPIC, co-creator, and channel of Anumaura. I'm also an initiated shamanic priestess, trained strategist, and spiritual guide and mentor.

Bridging together the worlds of spirituality, soul, and strategy, I'm here to help you live and discover your own Soul Gold in this incredible time of change.

Let's begin shall we...

Take the first step in the grandest adventure of your life—yet.
The world of soul, of magic, of depth, fulfillment, purpose, and meaning is waiting for you.